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Narrow network health plans are less likely to cover treatment by doctors at centers affiliated with the U.S. National Cancer Institute

NCI-Designated Care Often Excluded in Narrow Health Plans

Oncologists affiliated with NCI-Designated or NCCN Cancer Centers more likely excluded in narrow plans
Adherence to distress screening protocols by cancer programs is associated with lower rates of medical service utilization

Distress Screening Tied to Fewer ER Visits for Cancer Patients

Lower risk ratios for ER use and hospitalization when cancer program adherence documented
Postoperative pain is frequently underrated when assessed by nursing staff on wards

Post-Op Pain May Often Be Underrated by Inpatient Staff

Cross sectional data comparison of pain assessment showed large gap of underrated pain
Reducing hospital readmission rates for acute myocardial infarction

Reducing Hospital Readmissions Doesn’t Up Mortality Rates

ACA guidelines may mean better follow-up after discharge, researchers suggest
Heterologous bilateral hand transplantation in a child has been successful

Hand Transplantation in Child Continues to Be Successful

By 18 months after transplantation, child had exceeded his previous adapted abilities
Nipple-sparing mastectomy doesn't raise a woman's risk for breast cancer recurrence

Low Rate of Cancer Recurrence for Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

Research suggests that the cosmetically superior procedure comes with no added risk of recurrence
Patients with human papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma have higher five-year overall survival and disease-specific survival rates after surgery alone

Better Prognosis With Surgery for HPV-Linked Oropharyngeal SCC

Higher survival seen for patients in low-risk category versus intermediate-, high-risk groups
The Washington State high court has ruled against interstate medical liability

High Court Rules Against Interstate Medical Liability

Case involves doctor providing care to football player in Idaho, who then died after injury in Washington
A wait-and-scan strategy seems to be feasible for patients with head and neck paraganglioma

Wait-and-Scan Strategy Feasible for Head, Neck Paraganglioma

Large group of tumors found not to grow, although they did elicit complications

~10 Percent Present to ER After Hysterectomy for Benign Disease

Risk factors include younger age, higher parity, Medicare or self-pay insurance, postoperative pain