

Home Surgery
For patients with high-risk indeterminate pulmonary nodes

Cancer Probability Documentation Lacking for Some at High Risk

Documentation found to be rarely provided for high-risk indeterminate pulmonary nodes
In their first year

Early-Stage Cancer Diagnoses Up With ACA’s Medicaid Expansions

Both overall and early diagnosis of cancer increased in first year of expansions
A levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device is effective in the majority of patients undergoing conservative treatment for low-risk endometrial cancer and complex atypical hyperplasia

Levonorgestrel IUD Feasible for Low-Risk, Early Uterine Cancer

Majority of women responded well and returned to normal histology in six months
Development and implementation of standardized oral care treatment and referral guidelines can improve the overall quality of oral health practice for older sub-acute patients

Oral Care Guidelines Can Improve Quality of Oral Health Care

Multidisciplinary team and guidelines improve quality of oral health practice for older sub-acute patients
Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery demonstrates comparable visual outcomes to conventional phacoemulsification

Femtosecond Laser Safer for Post-Vitrectomy Cataract Surgery

But procedure results in similar visual outcomes to conventional phacoemulsification
For patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing non-cardiac surgery

Pre-Op Liraglutide Cuts Post-Op Plasma Glucose in T2DM

Preoperative administration of liraglutide linked to lower post-op glucose, increase in pre-op nausea
ST-elevation myocardial infarction patient perceptions

STEMI Patient Perceptions Impact Emergency Medical Services Use

Self-transport patients more likely to perceive EMS as slower, express concerns over resource use
Low-frequency deep brain stimulation of the nucleus basalis of Meynert can be safely conducted in patients with Parkinson's disease dementia

DBS Safe But Not Beneficial in Parkinson’s Dementia

No consistent improvements seen in primary cognitive outcomes, resting state functional MRI
Almost 30 percent of eligible practices failed to register and report data in the first year of the Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier program

Year One Results Out for Value-Based Payment Modifier Program

Overall, 29.3 percent of eligible practices failed to register and report data and received a penalty
Anaphylaxis is a rare complication of pregnancy

Anaphylaxis Is Rare Complication of Pregnancy

Estimated incidence is 1.6 per 100,000 maternities; often the result of a reaction to antibiotics