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Alternatives to whole liver transplants for children have become safer

Alternatives to Whole Liver Transplants Feasible for Children

Alternatives helped to improve outcomes 2002 to 2015, indicating new ways to increase organ supply
Sleeve gastrectomy is associated with an improvement in glycemia

Sleeve Gastrectomy Linked to Improved Glycemia in Mice

Sleeve gastrectomy causes improvement in muscle and hepatic insulin sensitivity
Balanced crystalloids offer some benefits versus saline in critically ill and noncritically ill adults

Balanced Crystalloids Cut Kidney Events in Critically Ill

For noncritically ill patients, no difference in number of hospital-free days for crystalloids versus saline
Coronary artery bypass grafting is associated with a significant reduction in major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events and mortality compared with percutaneous coronary intervention among patients with diabetes mellitus

CABG May Be Best for Patients With DM, LV Dysfunction

Fewer adverse cardiac, cerebrovascular events, deaths with cardiac artery bypass graft than PCI
Diminished employment two years after early-stage breast cancer diagnosis is associated with African-American race and uninsured or publicly insured status

Race, Insurance Status Affects Job Status After Breast Cancer

African-American race and uninsured, publicly insured status linked to diminished employment
Trials to evaluate drugs or devices used to treat chronic medical conditions that are published early in the chain of evidence often show an exaggerated treatment effect compared with subsequent trials

Early Studies Often Show Exaggerated Treatment Effect

Findings based on assessment of trials evaluating drugs, devices to treat chronic medical conditions
From 2011 to 2014

RBC, Plasma Transfusions Drop From 2011 to 2014

Red blood cell and plasma transfusions decreased, while platelet transfusions remained stable
In a position paper published online Feb. 27 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Recommendations for Optimizing Hidden Curriculum in Medicine

Clinical learning environment should be optimized by ensuring what is taught in classroom is modeled
Understanding nonadherence in patients and encouraging a change in attitude toward patients and their medication can improve medication adherence

Understanding Rx Nonadherence Can Improve Adherence

Changing attitudes toward patients and their medication adherence can improve adherence
Reduced health-related quality of life in surgically and medically treated patients with glaucoma is associated with factors including worse diplopia

Factors for Poor HRQOL ID’d in Patients Treated for Glaucoma

Glaucoma drainage device linked to worse HRQOL compared with trabeculectomy, medical treatment