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The biggest clinical cancer advances for 2015 have been identified in an annual report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology

ASCO Reports Biggest Clinical Cancer Advances for 2015

The advance of the year is approval of four new therapies for treatment of CLL
Physicians have ranked electronic health record systems based on five key performance areas

Physicians Rank the Best EHR Systems of 2014

EHRs ranked in five performance areas, including quality of care, patient portal, technical support
E-cigarette vapor can contain cancer-causing formaldehyde at levels up to 15 times higher than regular cigarettes

High Levels of Formaldehyde Seen in E-Cigarette Vapor

Levels up to 15 times higher than regular cigarettes

Society of Critical Care Medicine, Jan. 17-21

The Society of Critical Care Medicine's 44th Critical Care Congress The annual congress of the Society of Critical Care Medicine was held from...
The incidence of hospitalizations for pulmonary embolism increased from 2001 to 2010

Incidence of PE Hospitalizations Rises From 2001 to 2010

Seasonal variation seen in PE hospitalizations, with higher number of admissions in winter
Older patients hospitalized with pneumonia appear to have an increased risk of myocardial infarction

Cardiovascular Risks of Pneumonia May Linger for Years

Risk highest in first month after pneumonia but remains 1.5 times higher over subsequent years
Many physicians report encountering barriers when referring cancer patients to specialty care

Physicians Hit Barriers in Making Cancer Referrals

Sixty percent of physicians report encountering any barrier to cancer specialty referrals
Having a drink each day might help lower a middle-aged person's odds for heart failure

A Drink a Day May Keep Heart Failure at Bay

Highest risk seen for those who used to drink, but had stopped
The terms in health care payer contracts are not immutable

Docs Should Negotiate Health Care Payer Contracts

Items to negotiate include easing of prior authorization process, extension for submitting claim
For fourth-year medical students

Collaboration Between Med Students Cuts Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic accuracy higher for pairs than individuals assessing cases of respiratory distress