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Demand for medical office space for ambulatory care is at a high point and looks likely to continue increasing

Demand for Medical Office Space High and Increasing

Vacancy rate for medical office buildings 9.5 percent in third quarter of 2015; lowest since 2007
The top four issues that will be promoted in state legislation in 2016 were discussed at the 2016 American Medical Association (AMA) State Legislative Strategy Conference

AMA Highlights Top Four Issues to Promote in State Legislation

Issues include physician-led team-based care, improving patient health, reducing rx drug overdose
Fiber intake is associated with measures of lung function in U.S. adults

Fiber Intake Linked to Measures of Lung Function

Higher FEV1 and FVC for participants in the highest versus the lowest quartile of fiber intake
There's been speculation that a daily vitamin D supplement taken in pregnancy might lower the odds for asthma in children. However

Prenatal Vitamin D Supplements Don’t Reduce Asthma

No evidence of beneficial effect on asthma, chronic wheezing in two studies
Alternative payment models have been and are being developed that can allow physicians to offer new and improved services to their patients

Alternative Payment Models Can Help Improve Patient Care

Seven models described that address three physician needs, including ability to deliver high-value service
A small number of physicians account for a considerable proportion of all paid malpractice claims

~1% of Physicians Account for One-Third of Malpractice Claims

A few doctors account for disproportionately large number of paid malpractice claims
For patients with early-stage small-cell lung cancer undergoing resection

Adjuvant Therapy Ups Survival in Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Improved survival for chemotherapy with or without cranial irradiation versus surgery alone
Overweight and obese individuals are at increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and non-SCD

Overweight, Obesity Linked to Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death

Increased risk of SCD with electrocardiogram abnormalities, even in normal-weight individuals
For healthy subjects

Prednisolone Therapy Induces Procoagulant State

Ten days of treatment linked to increase in peak thrombin, velocity index, PAI-1, and vWF
Pulse pressure is associated with multiple adverse cardiovascular outcomes

Pulse Pressure Linked to Multiple Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes

After adjustment for multiple variables, PP linked to all outcomes except stroke, cardiovascular death