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A lack of preventive care in infants and children is associated with an increased rate of unplanned hospital admissions

Lack of Peds Preventive Care Ups Unplanned Hospital Admissions

Infants and children lacking vaccinations, development checks more likely to be admitted
An educational intervention can improve patients' ability to self-manage their chronic diseases

Patient Education Can Improve Chronic Disease Management

Improvement seen in patients' ability to manage disease, medical students' ability to educate them
Secondhand smoke exposure declined substantially among U.S. nonsmokers from 1988 through 2014

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Saw Big Drop From 1988 to 2014

However, among U.S. nonsmokers, rates of secondhand exposure stalled during 2011 to 2014
Nearly two-thirds of insured adults with a previous health care visit did not use an online patient portal in 2017

Most Insured Patients Not Using Online Portals

Socioeconomic disparities exist in use of patient portals; privacy concerns cited for nonuse
Obesity is strongly associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in never-smokers

COPD Tied to Obesity in Male, Female Never-Smokers

Strong dose-response relationship seen in never-smokers aged 50 and older
Infants from low-income

Smoke Exposure High in Low-Income, Nonurban Infants

12 percent of infants registered cotinine values of ≥12 ng/mL, consistent with active smoking in adults
A three-month intervention

Self-Management Program Beneficial for Patients With COPD

COPD-related acute care events reduced for patients undergoing three-month intervention
Only 15.4 percent of physicians work in practices that use telemedicine for a wide spectrum of patient interactions

Few Physicians Work in Practices That Use Telemedicine

Specialty and larger practice size are correlates of telemedicine use
The Ottawa chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Risk Scale

Risk Scale Predicts Short-Term Serious Outcomes in COPD

Ottawa COPD Risk Scale is valid for predicting short-term serious outcomes for patients in the ED
Many patients intentionally withhold information from clinicians

Many Patients Withhold Information From Clinicians

Reasons for nondisclosure include not wanting to be judged or lectured, being embarrassed