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A computerized order entry tool can increase the use of nonimaging cardiac stress tests among hospitalized patients

Computerized Ordering Tool Cuts Imaging Cardiac Stress Tests

No reduction in use of inappropriate testing after introduction of computerized order entry tool
The widespread shortages of injectable opioids and small-volume parenteral solutions are jeopardizing patient care and placing a strain on hospital operations

ASHP: SVP, Injectable Opioid Shortages Threaten Patient Care

98.4 percent of respondents report moderate, severe shortages of morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl
In a new clinical practice guideline

Recommendations Developed for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Use of at least five drugs recommended for intensive-phase treatment, four drugs for continuation phase
A web-based interactive program can help chronically sleepless individuals get the sleep they need without taking medication or spending time in therapy

Web-Based Cognitive Therapy Program Effective for Insomnia

Interactive program aims to build better sleep habits, researchers say
For U.S. persons

Twenty-Five Food Categories Explain 70 Percent of Salt Intake

Most sodium consumed was from food obtained at stores; highest density for foods from restaurants
A little jogging is good for your health

A Little Jogging Goes a Long Way

Just an hour or two a week confers life-extension benefits, researcher contends
A review of U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspection reports between 1998 and 2013 revealed 57 clinical trials in which regulators had uncovered violations serious enough to earn the agency's most severe classification -- "official action indicated

Research Misconduct ID’d by FDA Often Unreported in Literature

Only three of 78 published studies mentioned issues of concern uncovered by FDA

Higher Work Hours Linked to Depressive Symptoms for Interns

Estimated change from baseline in the PHQ-9 score increased with increasing work hours

For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Once-Daily Triple-Tx Improves Lung Function, HRQoL in COPD

Significantly improved FEV1 and St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire scores

Industry Payments Consistently Linked to Physician Prescribing

Thirty of 36 studies identified a positive association between payments and prescribing in all analyses