

Home Psychiatry
Physicians say prior authorization continues to interfere with patient care and can lead to adverse clinical consequences

Health Plans Not Implementing Prior Authorization Reforms

Findings based on American Medical Association survey of practicing physicians' experiences

YouTube Sleep Videos Contain Misinformation, Commercial Bias

However, they have an average of 8.2 million views versus 0.3 million for expert videos

Panel management

AMA: 6 Steps to Help Ensure Patients Get Preventive Care

Panel management helps physicians provide preventive and chronic care to all patients
Health care workers who wear contaminated gloves can transfer bacteria onto hospital surfaces

Health Care Workers’ Gloves Strong Source of Contamination

Clear evidence that gloves of health care workers contaminate hospital surfaces with bacteria
For adults older than 50 years

Volunteering Linked to Reduced Risk for Mortality in Seniors

Volunteering for ≥100 hours/year also tied to greater physical activity, better psychosocial outcomes
For men with prostate cancer

Clinician-Referred Exercise Program Beneficial in Prostate CA

Clinician referral to a 12-week program ups vigorous exercise levels and improves mental health
Anxiety is independently associated with high-cost resource use among individuals with type 2 diabetes

Anxiety With Type 2 Diabetes Tied to High-Cost Health Care Use

Anxiety and type 2 diabetes related to frequent visits to ED, high costs but not total hospitalization costs

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Beneficial in Alzheimer Disease

Active tCDS improves cognitive functions in memory domain, including word recall, recall of test instructions, word recognition

Guidelines emphasizing adoption of a healthy lifestyle for reducing the risk for cognitive decline and dementia have been developed by the World Health Organization.

Healthy Lifestyle Recommended for Reducing Dementia Risk

Guidelines focus on physical activity, eating well, cessation of tobacco and hazardous/harmful drinking
Diabetes-related distress and depression symptom severity are risk factors for medication nonadherence in type 2 diabetes

Diabetes-Related Distress Ups Risk for Rx Nonadherence

Depression is independent predictor of adherence; reduces the effects of diabetes distress