

Home Psychiatry

Physician Burnout May Raise Risk for Patient Safety Events

Burnout also associated with decreased job satisfaction, low professionalism, patient dissatisfaction

Greater depressive symptoms are associated with episodic memory and markers of brain aging in older Caribbean Hispanic patients

Depressive Symptoms Tied to Memory, Aging of the Brain

However, baseline depressive symptoms not tied to cognitive changes over five years
Just over three-quarters of health care personnel received a flu vaccine last season

Three-Quarters of Health Care Workers Got Flu Shot Last Year

Lowest rates seen among health workers in long-term care settings
Less than half of patients with sports-related mild traumatic brain injury achieve clinical recovery within two weeks after injury

Sports Concussion Recovery May Be Slower Than Thought

At two weeks postinjury, less than half of patients are recovered, regardless of age
Nutra Pharma Corp. has been warned about illegal marketing of unapproved homeopathic products with claims that they can treat addiction and chronic pain from serious conditions such as cancer

FDA Warns Homeopathic Company About Illegal Product Claims

Nutra Pharma warned that failure to correct the violations may result in legal action
Modestly worse patient experiences are seen following hospital acquisition by another hospital

Patient Experiences Modestly Worse After Hospital Acquisition

No significant differential changes found in 30-day readmission rates or 30-day mortality

Formaldehyde Exposure at Work Tied to Cognitive Impairment

Longer duration of exposure, higher cumulative exposure over entire working life may increase risk for cognitive impairment

Pediatricians should be comfortable with treating and screening for sexual assault

AAP Offers Guidance for Treating Victims of Sexual Assault

Physicians need to be comfortable screening for it, offering additional help if needed

FDA: Ground Cinnamon Products May Contain Toxic Levels of Lead

New list stems from an ongoing investigation regarding lead in products containing cinnamon

Amyloid beta (Aβ)38 has faster turnover kinetics than Aβ40 and Aβ42

AAIC: Turnover Kinetics Vary for Different Amyloid β Isoforms

Half-life of Aβ isoforms about three hours; Aβ38 has faster turnover kinetics than Aβ40, Aβ42