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Postmenopausal estradiol therapy may protect certain types of cognition in the presence of stress

Postmenopausal Estradiol Linked to Blunted Cortisol Responses

May protect certain cognitive processes against stress exposure
The central effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 may mediate the effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on central nervous system activation in response to visual and gustatory food cues

GLP-1 May Mediate Effects of Gastric Bypass on CNS Activation

After Roux-en-Y, CNS activation reduced in response to food cues, GLP-1 levels significantly elevated
Not all prescription drug users report receiving warnings about driving impairment

Driving Impairment Warnings Often Not Given With Rx Meds

For most drug categories, those who do receive warnings perceive higher risk of impaired driving
Systemic inflammation in midlife is associated with future neurodegeneration and cognitive aging

Midlife Systemic Inflammation Tied to Late-Life Brain Volume

Smaller hippocampal, Alzheimer's signature region volumes seen 24 years after inflammation noted
Specific inflammatory biomarkers may impact the risk of developing schizophrenia

Inflammatory Biomarkers May Impact Risk of Schizophrenia

Protective effect noted for C-reactive protein; risk-increasing effect for soluble interleukin-6 receptor

October 2017 Briefing – Psychiatry

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Psychiatry for October 2017. This roundup includes the latest...
In older adults

Dry Mouth Common Medication Reaction in Older Adults

In intervention studies, greatest risk of dry mouth found with urological medications
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has launched an initiative to examine which provider regulations should be discarded or revamped amid concerns that the regulations are reducing the amount of time that physicians spend with patients

CMS Launches Initiative to Examine Impact of Regulations

Officials set to travel country gathering information on impact of their regulations on physicians
Depressive symptoms increase during the internship year for training physicians

Depressive Symptoms Increase During Internship Year

Significantly greater increase seen among women; sex disparity partly due to work-family conflict
For former collegiate and professional football players

Football Career Length, Position Affect White Matter Structure

Career duration, playing position may modify the effects of concussion history in ex-football players