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The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force  (USPSTF) has found that screening for intimate partner violence is beneficial for reproductive-aged women

USPSTF Urges Abuse Screening for Reproductive-Aged Women

Evidence lacking for assessing balance of benefits, harms of screening for abuse of seniors, vulnerable
For individuals with major depression and bipolar disorder

Grip Strength Indicative of Cognition in Major Depression

Positive association with performance on cognitive tasks for those with depression, bipolar disorder
The concept of internet gaming disorder and the pathways leading to it are unclear

Questions Surround Concept of Internet Gaming Disorder

Several interacting internal factors and external factors are required for developing IGD
Medicare Annual Wellness Visits do not appear to substantially increase the detection of cognitive impairment in older adults

Annual Visits May Not Increase Cognitive Impairment Detection

But Medicare wellness visits are tied to higher rate of testing for reversible causes of impairment
Using hearing aids may slow cognitive decline in later life

Hearing Aids May Mitigate Cognitive Decline, Memory Loss

Use of hearing aids tied to better episodic memory scores in longitudinal study
For soldiers who have been deployed twice

Time-Related Deployment Factors Predict Suicide Attempt Risk

Suicide attempt risk increased for deployment within first 12 months, dwell time of six months or less
For adolescents and young adults

Small Link for Cannabis Use, Reduced Cognitive Functioning

Small overall effect size for frequent and heavy cannabis use among adolescents, young adults
New opioid prescriptions for U.S. adults using benzodiazepines stopped increasing in 2010

Adults Using Benzodiazepines More Likely to Receive Opioid Rx

Increase in new opioid prescriptions for U.S. adults using benzodiazepines stopped in 2010
Disordered eating behavior among adolescents is associated with a significantly increased risk of future depressive symptoms and being bullied by peers

Disordered Eating Among Teens Tied to Future Depression

Also, bullying by peers is associated with depressive symptoms and disordered eating behavior
A range of interventions can successfully improve self-regulation in children and adolescents

Self-Regulation Interventions Beneficial for Children

Improvement in academic, health, and behavioral outcomes in most intervention groups