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Synthetic opioid involvement in opioid-related overdose deaths increased significantly from 2010 to 2016

Synthetic Opioid Involvement in Opioid-Related Deaths Up

From 2010 to 2016, synthetic opioid involvement up from 14.3 to 45.9 percent of opioid-related deaths
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder was estimated at 16.8 per 1

Prevalence of ASD Estimated at 16.8 per 1,000 for 8-Year-Olds

In 2014, prevalence of autism spectrum disorder varied among sites and by sex and race/ethnicity
Based on findings from a systematic review of the literature

Review: Need to Strengthen Natural Experiments in Obesity

Position paper offers guidance for strengthening methods for assessing natural experiments
For millennials

Knowledge Not Tied to Addictive Tanning Behavior in Millennials

Increased knowledge not linked to less tanning; negative link for self-esteem, tanning behavior
Treatment outcomes for adolescents with eating disorders seem to correlate with family reports of perceived helpfulness of the family-based treatment approach

Family-Based Treatment of Teen Eating Disorders Helpful

Findings based on mothers' and teens' perception of helpfulness and outcomes of family-based treatment
A new clinic satisfaction tool improves communication and provides real-time feedback

New Clinic Satisfaction Tool Provides Real-Time Feedback

Also improves communication and satisfaction between physicians and patients
A bedside visual art intervention may help with cancer patients' pain

Art Intervention May Be Beneficial for Cancer Patients

Brief bedside session associated with improved positive mood, pain scores and decreased anxiety
Use of anticholinergic drugs may be tied to a future diagnosis of dementia

Certain Anticholinergic Drugs Appear to Raise Dementia Risk

Dementia link seen with antidepressant, urological, and anti-Parkinson's drugs
Children with multiple exposures to anesthesia before age 3 are more likely to develop adverse outcomes related to learning and attention

Multiple Anesthesia Exposures Affect Learning and Attention

Adverse outcomes more likely to develop in children with multiple exposures before age 3
Postpartum care should become an ongoing process rather than a single visit in order to optimize the health of women and infants

ACOG Committee Recommends Better, Ongoing Postpartum Care

Provider contact within three weeks, comprehensive follow-up by 12 weeks rather than single visit