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There is international consensus as to the importance of work experience and vocational training for helping individuals with autism spectrum disorder obtain employment

Much International Consensus Regarding Employment in Autism

International consensus that work experience, vocational training are important to help obtain job
For menopausal women with moderate-severe vulvovaginal symptoms

Low-Dose Vaginal Estradiol Improves Menopause-Linked QOL

Significant improvement in total MENQOL scores, MENQOL sexual function domain for vaginal estradiol
Younger age of exposure to tackle football predicts earlier neurobehavioral symptom onset among players with chronic traumatic encephalopathy

Age of First Football Tackles Tied to Neuro Symptom Onset

However, age of onset not tied to chronic traumatic encephalopathy pathological severity
For older adults with chronic pain

Psychological Therapies May Help Older Adults With Chronic Pain

Small benefits seen in older adults for pain intensity, anxiety, catastrophizing beliefs, self-efficacy
Survivors of lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia have increased use of health care services versus a normative population

Lymphoma, Leukemia Survivors Have Increased Health Care Use

Survivors who are psychologically distressed use even more services than those who aren't
Greater depressive symptoms are associated with episodic memory and markers of brain aging in older Caribbean Hispanic patients

Depressive Symptoms Tied to Memory, Aging of the Brain

However, baseline depressive symptoms not tied to cognitive changes over five years
Approaches to addressing the potential complications of owning firearms for persons with dementia are presented in an article published online May 8 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Approaches to Firearms for Persons With Dementia Discussed

Approaches to guns for patients with mild cognitive impairment could be similar to those for driving
There is insufficient evidence available for examining the correlation between prescription drug monitoring programs and non-fatal or fatal overdoses

Evidence Lacking for Impact of PDMPs on Drug Overdoses

Evidence insufficient that drug monitoring programs increase or decrease opioid overdoses in U.S.
Medicaid-insured children are at increased risk for mental health diagnoses and psychotropic prescriptions after hospitalization for an injury compared with pre-hospitalization

Risk of Pediatric Mental Illness Up After Injury Hospitalization

In Medicaid population, those with burns or head injury at increased risk for mental health diagnoses
The number of years of life lost due to police violence in the United States is substantial and disproportionately impacts young people of color

High Number of Years of Life Lost Due to Police Violence in U.S.

More than half of years of life lost are among people of color; greatest impact in those aged 25 to 34 years