

Home Psychiatry
Health care communication technology is a determinant of patient satisfaction in younger patients

Health Care Technology Impacts Younger Patient Satisfaction

Younger health care consumers are dissatisfied with technology capability of health care organizations
Midlife fitness is associated with reduced risk of depression in later life and with reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and CVD mortality after later-life depression

Midlife Fitness Linked to Lower Risk of Depression, CVD Death

Reduction also seen in CVD mortality with antecedent depression in association with high fitness level
Intervention programs that start before psychological symptoms develop can prevent diabetes distress in teens with type 1 diabetes

Intervention Programs Prevent Diabetes Distress in Teens

Findings based on one-year follow-up in teens with type 1 diabetes participating in the STePS study
Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among hospitalized patients with cancer are associated with a greater psychological and physical symptom burden as well as a decreased risk of hospital readmissions

In Cancer Patients, PTSD May Increase Symptom Burden

Post-traumatic stress symptoms also linked to lower risk of readmission in hospitalized CA patients
Early preterm birth is associated with a higher level of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in preschool children after accounting for unmeasured genetic and environmental factors

Early Preterm Birth Linked to Increased ADHD Symptoms

Association holds after adjustment for unmeasured genetic, environmental factors
Across adult age categories

Cannabis Use Prevalence Up Across Adult Age Groups

After 2007, overall increase in adjusted odds of daily versus nondaily cannabis use for ages 12 to 64
For individuals without neurodegenerative disease

Thinner Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Tied to Worse Cognitive Function

Those in 2 thinnest quintiles of RNFL thickness have higher likelihood of cognitive decline in follow-up
The American Medical Association recently adopted new ethical guidelines on medical tourism to help physicians understand their responsibilities when interacting with patients who seek or have received medical care outside the United States.

AMA Adopts Ethical Guidance on Medical Tourism

Guidelines include helping patients understand risks and benefits, responding compassionately
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Pharmacists Association have created a guide that describes community-clinical linkages

CDC, APhA Create Guide for Community-Clinical Linkages

Guide details two types of collaborative care models that involve pharmacists, docs working together
For persons living with HIV in Uganda

Efavirenz Doesn’t Up Depression, Suicidal Ideation in HIV-Infected

No increased risk of depression or suicidal ideation among persons living with HIV in Uganda