

Home Psychiatry
Reference prices are associated with lower prices paid by employers and lower cost sharing by employees

Reference Pricing Linked to Lower Prices Paid by Employers

Cost sharing by employees lower, but time lag seen in physicians' prescribing habits
Based on repeated measures

Repeated Measures of 9/11-Related PTSD Tied to Mortality

Time-varying PTSD linked to increased risk for all-cause, cardiovascular, external-cause mortality
Kratom is used for symptoms of pain

Kratom Seems Safe for Pain, Anxiety, Opioid Withdrawal

Kratom most commonly used daily; few serious adverse events self-reported among users
U.S. combat soldiers who have suffered a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury are more likely to experience a range of mental health disorders than soldiers with other serious injuries

Soldiers With Traumatic Brain Injury at Risk for Mental Illness

Moderate or severe traumatic brain injury in combat tied to higher risk for range of mental health disorders
Although they comprise a small percentage of all published articles

Industry Ties May Bias Indoor Tanning Studies

Studies with financial links to indoor tanning industry significantly more likely to favor indoor tanning
Nurses have an increased risk for suicide and are more likely to have job problems and mental health history and to leave a suicide note

Suicide Risk Increased Among Both Male, Female Nurses

Nurses were more likely to have job problems, mental health history and to leave a suicide note
In children with fragile X syndrome

Atypical Sleep Tied to Language Skills in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Nighttime sleep duration predicted receptive vocabulary size in Down syndrome, Williams syndrome
Major depressive disorder and noncombat trauma are important factors tied to suicide ideation risk during combat deployment

More Than One in 10 Deployed Soldiers Thinks About Suicide

Lifetime noncombat trauma exposure and major depressive disorder may up the risk for suicide ideation
Bumetanide seems effective for improving symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in young children

Bumetanide Promising for Reducing Autism Symptoms

Decrease in GABA/glutamate ratio in insular cortex tied to symptom improvement in bumetanide group
Rates of suicide are significantly higher for individuals diagnosed with a neurological disorder versus the general population

Suicide Rates Higher for Individuals With Neurological Disorders

Significant variance seen in excess deaths based on time since diagnosis, with rate higher sooner after diagnosis