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Concussion during adolescence increases the risk of subsequent multiple sclerosis diagnosis

Concussion May Increase Multiple Sclerosis Risk

Findings based upon sustaining at least one concussion during adolescence
Children with inflammatory bowel disease face an increased risk of cancer that persists into adulthood

Childhood-Onset IBD May Raise Risk of Cancer

Researchers think chronic inflammation in gastrointestinal tract may be driving force
Montelukast appears to be linked to neuropsychiatric side effects

Montelukast Associated With Nightmares, Depression

Odds of depression, aggressive behavior, suicide ideation, nightmares, headaches all increased
For athletes with cardiac arrest

Attempts to Prevent Tongue Swallowing Hinder Resuscitation

In 17 videos, initial intervention after athlete collapse was attempt to prevent tongue swallowing
Insurers have the bargaining power to reduce provider prices in highly concentrated provider markets

Insurer Market Power Lowers Providers’ Prices

Evidence seen for specialists in markets with high provider, insurer concentration

American Academy of Pediatrics, Sept. 16-19

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition The annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics was held from Sept....
Half of repeat antibiotic dispensings in Australia are used to extend the initial course

Half of Repeat Antibiotics in Australia Extend Initial Rx

More than one in five occur at least one month after the initial prescription
Many physicians do not provide firearm injury prevention information in the emergency department

AAP: Few Doctors Provide Firearm Injury Prevention Info in ER

Barriers include political restraint, lack of physician awareness, and legal constraints
In the school setting

AAP: Epinephrine Admin Training Needed in Many Schools

In 2015 to 2016, 2.7 percent reported that epinephrine was administered by unlicensed staff
The American College of Physicians does not support the legalization of physician-assisted suicide

ACP Does Not Support Legalization of Assisted Suicide

Legalization would affect trust in the patient-physician relationship, and in the medical profession