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Implementation of Washington state's Senate Bill 5005

Counseling Linked to Reduction in Vaccine Exemption Rates

Significant drop in rates in Washington after implementation of bill mandating parental counseling
Neither probiotics nor xylitol-based chewing gum cuts the severity of symptoms associated with pharyngitis

Probiotics, Chewing Gum Found Ineffective for Pharyngitis

Neither reduces severity of sore throat or difficulty swallowing in first three days of use
Severe functional limitations are reported among children with microcephaly and laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection in infancy

Functional Limitations Ongoing With Congenital Zika

All 19 children reported one of six adverse outcomes; 12 had three to five outcomes at 19 to 24 months
A novel bioinformatics approach can predict vaccine effectiveness for the influenza season

Flu Vaccine Expected to Protect Against Most U.S. H3N2 Viruses

Current vaccine projected to be more effective in 2018 U.S. flu season vs 2017 Australian flu season

Day-Care Centers Have More Allergens Than Homes

Findings show mite, mouse, cat, and dog allergens common in day-care centers
Stricter glycemic control during short-term intensive insulin therapy for newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients is associated with a higher likelihood of remission at one year

Stricter Short-Term Glycemic Control May Increase Remission

Findings among newly diagnosed diabetes patients undergoing short-term intensive insulin therapy
A bivalent meningococcal B vaccine targeting factor H-binding protein elicits bactericidal responses against diverse meningococcal B strains after two and three doses in adolescents and young adults

Bivalent Meningococcal B Vaccine Safe, Immunogenic

Elicits bactericidal responses against diverse meningococcal B strains in teens, young adults
A breathing retraining intervention

Breathing Retraining Beneficial in Patients With Asthma

Improvements in patients randomized to DVD and printed booklet intervention, face-to-face sessions
Acne patients have higher levels of serum homocysteine

Serum Homocysteine Higher in Acne Patients

Authors say measurement of serum homocysteine may be important for patient management
For postoperative patients there is considerable variation in the amount of opioids prescribed at hospital discharge

Amount of Opioids Prescribed After Hospital Discharge Varies

45.6 percent of patients using no opioids 24 hours predischarge were prescribed opioids at discharge