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Certain steps should be taken when discharging a patient for failure or inability to meet financial obligations

Steps Provided for Discharging Patient From Practice

Letter should be sent informing patient of their discharge, providing at least 30 days' notice
Counseling about impaired fertility and sexual function for at-risk pediatric populations in developmentally appropriate ways is essential

Counseling Needed for Pediatric Patients With Impaired Fertility

Report outlines recommendations for counseling of those at risk for sexual dysfunction, fertility issues
Patient portals have not taken off as expected

Patient Portals Don’t Appear to Have Much Traction

Patients not accessing them, physicians not using full range of features
After the expanded coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented in 2014

ACA Coverage Gains Include Workers Without Insurance

Reduction in uninsurance rate among this group larger than that of not-employed adults
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is independently and inversely associated with total cholesterol

Vit D Independently, Inversely Tied to Cholesterol in Children

Gene variants do not modify the associations of 25(OH)D with lipids
The rate of pediatric emergency medical services transports from ambulatory practices is 42 per 100

Rate of Pediatric Emergencies in Ambulatory Practices Identified

Most due to respiratory distress, psychiatric/behavioral emergencies, or seizures
Provider-reported rates of burnout may be lower in small independent primary care practices than in larger practices

Primary Care Provider Burnout Rate Low in Small Practices

In survey of independent practices in NYC, higher adaptive reserve linked to lower odds of burnout
Implementation of state legislation relating to human papillomavirus vaccination is not associated with changes in adolescent sexual behaviors

HPV Legislation Doesn’t Impact Teen Sexual Behaviors

No substantive or significant associations between HPV legislation and adolescent sexual behaviors
Completion of a one-hour sepsis bundle within one hour cuts mortality in pediatric patients

Completing Sepsis Bundle Within an Hour Cuts Pediatric Mortality

However, completing individual bundle elements in that timeframe does not reduce pediatric mortality
There are six broad factors that can affect inclusion within health care organizations

6 Factors Related to Inclusion in Health Care Workplace ID’d

Presence of discrimination, the silent witness, effectiveness of leadership can help assess inclusion