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Undervaccinated and unvaccinated children are at increased risk for pertussis

Pertussis Risk Up for Undervaccinated, Unvaccinated Children

However, most pertussis cases occur among vaccinated children further away from last DTaP dose
Children with community-acquired pneumonia often receive diagnostic testing and antibiotic therapy despite publication of guidelines against their routine use in 2011

Diagnostic Testing, Antibiotics Overused in Pediatric CAP

Chest radiography ordered in 43 percent, antibiotics prescribed in 73.9 percent of community-acquired pneumonia visits
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends preexposure prophylaxis and HIV screening for prevention of HIV infection. These recommendations form the basis of two final recommendation statements published online June 11 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

USPSTF Issues Recommendations on HIV Screening, Prevention

Recommendations support PrEP for those at high HIV risk, screening for teens, adults, in pregnancy
There is variability in data relating to the safety of lithium during breastfeeding

Data Insufficient for Safety of Lithium During Breastfeeding

Lithium transfer to infants is variable; three cases of adverse effects reported, but confounding occurred
The IB-Stim has received marketing approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as the first medical device used to help alleviate functional abdominal pain in 11- to 18-year-old patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Marketing OK’d for Device to Help Reduce IBS Symptoms in Adolescents

IB-Stim helps to reduce abdominal pain in 11- to 18-year-olds with irritable bowel syndrome
Health care has modest effects on extending life expectancy in the United States

Access to Health Care Has Little Impact on Longevity

Social, behavioral factors account for greater portion of premature mortality than does health care
Pregnancy hyperglycemia at levels below the threshold for gestational diabetes mellitus and maternal obesity are associated with childhood obesity

Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy May Up Risk for Obesity in Offspring

Children of obese women with gestational diabetes have increased risk for childhood obesity
Higher sun exposure in the previous summer or winter is associated with a lower risk for having pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

Half an Hour of Sun Exposure Daily May Lower Risk for Pediatric IBD

Association holds when considering only those most recently diagnosed, Caucasians
From 2003 to 2014

2003 to 2014 Saw Incidence of Herpes Zoster Drop in Children

Vaccinated children had 78 percent lower rate of HZ incidence than unvaccinated children
An automated cough sound analyzer can serve as a diagnostic aid in the assessment of pediatric respiratory disorders

Cough Sound Analyzer Helps Differentiate Peds Respiratory Disorders

Automated analyzer can aid in diagnosing asthma, pneumonia, croup, bronchiolitis, LRI