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The prevalence of asthma is about 10 percent higher for children with versus those without a disability

Prevalence of Asthma Up for Children With Disability

Odds of asthma significantly higher for children with a disability or delay versus typically growing children
Health insurance companies are expected to cover vaccines for the new coronavirus without charging copays

U.S. Insurers Should Not Charge Copays for COVID-19 Vaccine

Government has been in discussions with insurers about covering COVID-19 vaccination at no cost to patients
Changes have been suggested for the newborn critical congenital heart disease screening algorithm

Changes Proposed for Newborn Congenital Heart Disease Screen

Oxygen saturation of at least 95 percent in both upper, lower extremities required to pass
Continuous glucose monitoring improves glycemic control in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes and is beneficial for hypoglycemia in older adults with type 1 diabetes

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Aids Glycemic Control in Young

And, in older adults, CGM versus blood glucose monitoring reduces time spent in hypoglycemia
For young patients with Crohn disease

Perianal Fistulizing Complications Preventable in Crohn Disease

Steroid-sparing therapy may reduce risk for PFCs in young patients with Crohn disease
Implementation of more restrictive gun policies may result in a small decrease in firearm-related deaths

Drop in Firearm Deaths Linked to More Restrictive Gun Policies

Restrictive gun policy has 0.98 probability of being associated with decrease in firearm-related deaths
Greater health system use and higher costs are seen with nine months of isoniazid compared with four months of rifampin in both adults and children treated for latent tuberculosis infection

Four Months of Rifampin Costs Less Than Nine Months Isoniazid

Health system use and costs higher for nine months of isoniazid in adults and children in all settings
Drinking 100 percent fruit juice during the preschool years is associated with better diet quality in adolescence

Drinking 100 Percent Fruit Juice in Preschool Years Tied to Healthy Diet Later

No negative association seen between fruit juice consumption and future body mass index
About 6.1 percent of parents are hesitant about routine childhood vaccines

More Than One in Four Parents Hesitant About Flu Vaccine

Seventy and 26 percent strongly agree that routine and flu vaccines are effective, respectively
Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in children differ widely from adult cases

Pediatric COVID-19 Symptoms Differ From Those Seen in Adults

Fever and respiratory symptoms common but not considered a hallmark of the disease in children