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Proton pump inhibitor and H2 receptor antagonist users may be at higher risk of infection with Clostridium difficile and Campylobacter bacteria

Acid Suppression Rx Linked to Risk of C. difficile, Campylobacter

Study suggests long-term use might open door to C. difficile and Campylobacter bacteria
N-acetylglucosamine/galactosamine is associated with insulin sensitivity

GlycA Linked to Insulin Sensitivity, Independent of CRP

N-acetylglucosamine/galactosamine independently associated with insulin sensitivity index
For patients with fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Improve With CoQ10 Supplementation

Clinically significant improvement in various items from the Symptom Checklist-90-R
Running might actually reduce inflammation in knee joints

Running May Actually Lower Inflammation in Knee Joints

Researchers suggest running might slow development of osteoarthritis
Apolipoprotein CIII and apoCIII-to-apoA1 ratio are correlated with incident type 2 diabetes

Some Apolipoproteins Linked to Incident Type 2 Diabetes

ApoCIII and apoCIII-to-apoA1 ratio associated with T2D independent of known risk factors
Consumption of single omega-3 is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Meta-Analysis Links Omega-3 Fatty Acid Consumption to T2DM

Composition, ethnicity, trial duration, recruited age all influence effect of omega-3 on T2DM progression
People who live relatively close to busy traffic have a slightly higher risk for dementia

Dementia Risk Up for Those Living Near Major Roads

Study couldn't prove cause-and-effect, but risk rose as proximity to traffic increased, researchers report
Cancer mortality rates in the United States have dropped 25 percent since the early 1990s

Cancer Mortality Rates Continue to Decline in the United States

Researchers credit declines in smoking, better detection and treatment
A new prediction model identifies eosinophilic asthma without the need for sputum induction

New Model IDs Inflammatory Asthma Without Sputum

Combo of clinical parameters, activation of blood granulocytes can identify eosinophilic asthma
Anterior T-wave inversion occurs in 2.3 percent of young asymptomatic adults

Anterior T-Wave Inversion in 2.3 Percent of Healthy Young Adults

Seen in 2.3 percent of asymptomatic individuals; mainly occurs in leads V1 and V2