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The risk of gastrointestinal injury and impaired function seems to increase along with the intensity and duration of exercise

Endurance Exercise Tied to Gastrointestinal Implications

People who exercise excessively may be prone to 'exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome'
The physical and mental health benefits of pursuits like yoga and meditation begin in the genes

Yoga May Be Able to ‘Reverse’ Stress-Inducing DNA Reactions

Mind-body interventions lead to decrease in nuclear factor kappa B and cytokines, researchers say
A modified colorectal cancer screening score improves risk prediction of advanced neoplasia

Modified Colorectal CA Screening Score Improves Risk Prediction

Addition of BMI to Asia Pacific Colorectal Screening score improves risk prediction of neoplasia
About 20 percent of U.S. hospital patients who receive antibiotics experience side effects from the drugs

20 Percent of Hospital Patients Have Side Effects From Abx Rx

One-fifth of those who had antibiotic-related side effects didn't require the drugs in the first place
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Certain Criteria May Be Better Than Others in RA Assessment

More residual disease seen for patients in remission as per DAS-28-CRP versus SDAI, CDAI criteria
Researchers say their small study

Donor Microbes Can Persist Long-Term After Fecal Transplant

Small study shows transplanted bacteria are still there two years on
Eighteen cases of measles were recorded as part of an unusual outbreak in Ontario

Unusual Measles Outbreak Described in Ontario in Early 2015

All 18 cases were suggested to have derived from a single importation of measles virus genotype D4
A zone model predictive control-based artificial pancreas system improves glycemic control in a home-use environment

Good Results for Zone MPC-Based Artificial Pancreas

Improved glycemic control for AP system versus sensor-augmented pump therapy
Of a sample of lesions deemed seborrheic keratoses clinically

Cutaneous Malignancies Can Mimic Seborrheic Keratosis

Overall, 3.1% of cases identified as SK, irritated SK were histologically diagnosed as malignancies
A small percentage of Ebola virus disease survivors have a novel retinal lesion

Novel Retinal Lesion Seen in Some Ebola Survivors

Novel retinal lesion following anatomical distribution of optic nerve axons seen in 14.6 percent of survivors