

Home Pathology
For patients undergoing outpatient colonoscopy

Family History Questionnaire Ups Genetic Counseling for CRC

Findings in patients who received family history questionnaire before outpatient colonoscopy
Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have high levels of brain inflammation

High Levels of Brain Inflammation Seen in OCD

Researchers find inflammation 32 percent higher in six brain regions that play a role in OCD
Testing placental and fetal tissue after a child is born can confirm or rule out Zika infection

CDC: Zika Can Be Found in Placental, Fetal Tissue at Birth

Of 546 live births with possible maternal Zika virus, 11 percent proved positive
Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation is associated with an increase in serum C-reactive protein concentration

Review Links Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation to CRP

Increase in serum C-reactive protein concentration following supplementation with CLA
Serum levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products are associated with the risk of developing incident diabetic nephropathy in individuals with type 1 diabetes

sRAGE Linked to Risk of Incident Diabetic Nephropathy

Independent link seen for soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products, but not for CML
The presence of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential is associated with coronary heart disease

Clonal Hematopoiesis Linked to Coronary Heart Disease

CHIP linked to coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction in humans; atherosclerosis in mice
Antibiotic prescriptions are filled by nearly 60 percent of patients newly diagnosed with acute conjunctivitis

Nearly 60 Percent With Conjunctivitis Fill Antibiotic Rx

Blacks and Latinos less likely to fill prescriptions; higher-income, educated patients more likely to fill rx
From 2006 to 2013 there was an increase in the number of emergency department visits for herpes zoster

2006 to 2013 Saw Increase in ER Use for Herpes Zoster

Increase in number of emergency department visits and costs for HZ-related ER visits
From 1991 to 2014 there was minimal change in health spending by state

1991-2014 Saw Minimal Change in Health Spending Per State

Recession and recovery, implementation of health reform impacted health care coverage
For patients with infections

Protective Association Identified for Asthma Against Sepsis

Decreased risk for hospital mortality, septicemia, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock