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The combination of elastography and color Doppler ultrasonography with B-mode US in women with dense breasts can increase the positive predictive value of screening and reduce the number of false-positives

Elastography and Color Doppler Improve Breast Ultrasound

Together, the technologies increase predictive value of screening while decreasing unnecessary biopsies
Data on methods used for assessing minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma are presented in a report published online Oct. 23 in the International Journal of Laboratory Hematology.

Flow Cytometry Assesses Minimal Residual Disease in Myeloma

MRD assessment with flow cytometry is a rapidly developing area of research
The American Academy of Pediatrics has released new information to guide pediatricians

AAP Releases Policy Statement on Cord Blood Banking

Public cord blood banking recommended; physicians should be able to explain benefits and limitations
E-cigarette use changes the profile of innate defense proteins in airway secretions

E-Cigarettes Alter Defense Proteins in Airway Secretions

Levels of innate defense proteins associated with COPD found to be elevated in e-cigarette users
Maternal use of acetaminophen in pregnancy is associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring

Maternal Use of Acetaminophen Linked to ADHD in Offspring

Link seen after adjustment for maternal use before pregnancy, familial risk for ADHD
Automated breast ultrasonography may not be of added value to yearly full-field digital mammography and dynamic contrast agent-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging surveillance of carriers of the BRCA mutation

Multimodal Surveillance Regimen May Not Benefit BRCA Carriers

Biannual automated breast ultrasound may not add value to annual mammography, MR imaging
Fish is an important trigger of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome

Fish Can Trigger Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome

75.03 percent of children undergoing oral food challenge achieved tolerance to some kind of fish
A significant increase in colorectal lesion frequency is seen at 45 years of age

Colorectal Lesion Frequency Increases at Age 45

Polyp, adenoma, and neoplasia detection rate higher in 45-49 age group than in younger patients
Diabetes that follows pancreatic disease is frequently classified as type 2 diabetes but is associated with worse glycemic control and higher use of insulin within five years than type 2 diabetes

Diabetes of Exocrine Pancreas Often Classified as T2DM

Worse glycemic control, more insulin use for diabetes following pancreatic disease than type 2 diabetes
Most patients with type 1 diabetes of long duration have some degree of kidney disease

Kidney Damage Seen in Most Patients With Long-Lasting T1D

Incidence of end-stage renal disease has declined but affects substantial portion of long-term T1D patients