
Pain Management

Home Pain Management
Radiologists and technologists have better knowledge about the risks associated with medical imaging examinations than referring physicians

Knowledge of CT Risks Varies Among Health Care Providers

Radiologists and technologists generally show better knowledge than referring physicians
In 2016

U.S. Cancer Survivors Aging, Battling Other Chronic Disease

Likelihood of other chronic conditions will stress health care system in next two decades
Physicians using electronic practice tools report higher rates of burnout and increased frustration with the amount of computerized paperwork

Electronic Record Demands Are Overwhelming Many Physicians

Survey found those who have to use EHRs/CPOEs report more burnout, job dissatisfaction
Pharmacy programs to reduce opioid abuse are effective but underused

Pharmacy Programs to ID Opioid Abuse Effective, but Underused

Monitoring program in Maine was only used by 56 percent of pharmacists
Family-reported quality of end-of-life care is significantly better for patients with cancer or dementia than for patients with other chronic conditions

End-of-Life Care Received Varies Based on Type of Disease

Cancer and dementia patients get more access to palliative care
Patients on long-term opioid therapy who receive prescriptions for naloxone are less likely to return for emergency care related to opioid use

Coprescribing Naloxone to Opioid Users Helps Reduce ER Visits

Finding supports naloxone prescriptions for patients taking opioids for chronic pain
Guidelines have been updated for monitoring and management of pediatric patients before

Guidance Updated for Sedation of Pediatric Patients

Safe sedation needs a systematic approach, including medical supervision, pre-sedation assessment
For patients with knee osteoarthritis

Autologous Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells May Ease Knee OA

Single intra-articular injection of autologous adipose-derived stromal cells can improve pain, mobility
Health care workers who wear contaminated gloves can transfer bacteria onto hospital surfaces

Health Care Workers’ Gloves Strong Source of Contamination

Clear evidence that gloves of health care workers contaminate hospital surfaces with bacteria
Costs of hospitalization for privately insured adults rose more than 37 percent over five years

Patients Face High Hospital Bills Despite Having Insurance

Average out-of-pocket fee for privately insured adults topped $1,000 in 2013