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The most common electronically sent and received types of patient health information include laboratory results and medication lists

Patient Health Information Often Shared Electronically

Most commonly observed types of PHI sent are referrals, laboratory results, medication lists
Health care payments in the United States are more regressive than previously thought

Wealthy Pay Most to Finance U.S. Health Care

However, share of income is greatest among households with lowest income
The first case of an infant who developed glaucoma after being exposed to the Zika virus while in the womb has been reported by an international team of researchers. The case was reported online Nov. 30 in Ophthalmology.

Infant Diagnosed With First Case of Zika-Related Glaucoma

Brazilian baby developed condition after being exposed to virus in womb
A deep learning-enhanced device can accurately detect diabetic retinopathy

Deep Learning-Enhanced Device Detects Diabetic Retinopathy

Device sensitivity/specificity 100/97.8 percent for vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy
A primary-care-based teleretinal diabetic retinopathy screening program can reduce wait times for DR screening and increase overall screening rates

Teleretinal Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Ups Screening Rates

Implementation of TDRS program reduces median time to screening from 158 to 17 days

Health Supervision Discussed for Children With Down Syndrome

Guidance provided for counseling of pregnant women with prenatal diagnosis, care of the child from infancy through adolescence

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld on Thursday the legality of tax subsidies for millions of Americans who signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

SCOTUS Upholds Subsidies for Affordable Care Act

Ruling preserves tax credits for 6.4 million people in 34 states
The optic nerve may provide clues to a stroke patient's survival

ASA: Ultrasound of Optic Nerve Could Aid Stroke Prognosis

Thickness of optic nerve's sheath seemed tied to odds for patient death during the study period
An average delay of 3.1 years for an initial diabetes eye exam was found in a recent Australian study. The findings were published online in a letter to the editor June 27 in Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology.

Three-Year Delays Seen in First Referral for Diabetic Retinopathy

Findings from study of general practitioners in Victoria, Australia
Visual simulation in an adaptive optics environment can capture optical and visual performance with real multifocal intraocular lenses

Simulation Captures Performance With Multifocal Intraocular Lens

Visual simulation captures individual optical, visual performance obtained with real M-IOLs