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There is a positive association between reported pharmaceutical payments and use of aflibercept and ranibizumab injections among ophthalmologists who prescribe anti-vascular endothelial growth factor medications

Pharmaceutical Payments Linked to Anti-VEGF Injection Use

Findings among U.S. ophthalmologists who prescribed anti-VEGF medications
An implant that helps the aging eye focus on small print and nearby objects has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA Approves Eye Implant to Correct Presbyopia in Middle Age

Tiny lens reshapes cornea to improve focus on small print, close objects
Physicians using electronic practice tools report higher rates of burnout and increased frustration with the amount of computerized paperwork

Electronic Record Demands Are Overwhelming Many Physicians

Survey found those who have to use EHRs/CPOEs report more burnout, job dissatisfaction
Guidelines have been updated for monitoring and management of pediatric patients before

Guidance Updated for Sedation of Pediatric Patients

Safe sedation needs a systematic approach, including medical supervision, pre-sedation assessment
Health care workers who wear contaminated gloves can transfer bacteria onto hospital surfaces

Health Care Workers’ Gloves Strong Source of Contamination

Clear evidence that gloves of health care workers contaminate hospital surfaces with bacteria
Costs of hospitalization for privately insured adults rose more than 37 percent over five years

Patients Face High Hospital Bills Despite Having Insurance

Average out-of-pocket fee for privately insured adults topped $1,000 in 2013
Pilocarpine expands the Schlemm canal in eyes with and without glaucoma

Pilocarpine Expands Schlemm Canal in Healthy Eyes, Glaucoma

No differences in effect of pilocarpine in healthy eyes, eyes with glaucoma
Health insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act will rise in 2017

2017 Will Bring Premium Rate Increases Under ACA

Experts say increases will mostly affect people who get modest subsidies or no financial assistance
In a letter published online June 22 in the New England Journal of Medicine

Zika Infection Also Linked to Uveitis in Adults

Physicians should note that a red eye associated with Zika is not necessarily only conjunctivitis
A short-lived optical sensation can lead some smartphone users to mistakenly believe they've lost sight in one eye

Smartphone Use at Night May Result in Monocular ‘Blindness’

Transient vision loss due to optical adaptation of the eyes caused by reading smartphone with one eye