
OBGYN and Women's Health

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Augmentation of labor with the medication oxytocin does not seem to raise the risk of having a child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Oxytocin in Labor Not Linked With Later ADHD in Child

Previous research with animals had suggested a possible connection
Women with type 1 diabetes have a nearly 40 percent greater risk of dying from any cause and more than double the risk of dying from heart disease than men with type 1 diabetes

Mortality Risk of T1DM Higher for Women

Experts aren't sure why, but say better treatment and support needed for both sexes
High versus low intake of coffee is associated with a reduced risk for endometrial cancer

High Coffee Intake Linked With Lower Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Women benefited from drinking about four cups daily
Motivational interviewing can be a useful approach for reaching noncompliant patients

Motivational Interviewing Can Help Reach Nonadherent Patients

Although working with patients to set personal goals may take more time, the investment pays off
Soy food/isoflavone intake is not associated with endometrial cancer risk in Japanese women

Soy Food, Isoflavone Intake Not Linked to Endometrial Cancer

Findings in Japanese women aged 45 to 74 years followed during average of 12.1 years
The contraceptive implant and the 52-mg hormonal intrauterine device seem to be effective beyond the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved duration

Implant, Hormonal IUD Effective Beyond FDA-Approved Duration

Etonogestrel implant, levonorgestrel IUD effective beyond three and five years, respectively
With an estimated 240

U.S. Lyme Disease Costs Could Exceed $1 Billion Annually

Prolonged illness in infected Americans costs up to $1.3 billion a year in treatments
Complication rates for fluoroscopic-guided lumbar epidural steroid injections performed by certified registered nurse anesthetists are similar to physician rates cited in the literature

Complication Rate Low for CNRA Lumbar Epidural Injections

Rates similar to physician rates for fluoroscopic-guided LESI
In a population of predominantly young

Low Adherence to Daily HIV Prophylaxis in High-Risk Women

Products that do not require daily use may be more suitable for some women
Researchers say giving birth control information to women visiting dermatology clinics can help promote the safe use of isotretinoin. The study was published online Feb. 4 in JAMA Dermatology.

Contraception Info Given With Isotretinoin Rx Ups Safe Use

Effective birth control key in using the medication