
OBGYN and Women's Health

Home OBGYN and Women's Health
For women with abnormal uterine bleeding and hysteroscopically diagnosed endometrial polyps

Outpatient Uterine Polypectomy More Cost-Effective

Slightly less effective than inpatient treatment, but outpatient treatment is less expensive
Fruit and vegetable intake is associated with hip fracture

Fruit, Vegetable Intake Linked to Hip Fracture

Dose-response association noted with increased fracture rates for intake below five servings/day
Low physician spending is contributing to an overall slowing of health care costs

AMA: Physicians Driving the Slowing of Health Care Costs

Physicians' spending grew more slowly over 2003 to 2013 than hospital and clinical spending
Adhering to a Mediterranean diet may significantly reduce a woman's risk of endometrial cancer

Mediterranean Diet Might Lower Endometrial Cancer Risk

Women who followed it most closely saw significant reduction in risk
Between 1990 and 2013

14.9 Million New Cancer Cases Worldwide in 2013

Cancer is now second leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease
Many patients with cancer are interested in comprehensive tumor genetic profiling (CGP)

ASCO: Many Cancer Patients Interested in Genetic Profiling

Two-thirds of patients feel that tumor profiling could improve their treatment; many will pay out of pocket
While the percentage of hospitals that send breastfeeding mothers home with formula packs has fallen dramatically during the last several years

Fewer U.S. Hospitals Sending New Moms Home With Formula

But CDC survey finds one-third continue the practice, which can undermine breastfeeding efforts
Waiting about three minutes to clamp the umbilical cord following infant delivery may help improve children's fine-motor and social skills at age 4 years

Umbilical Cord Clamping Delay Found Beneficial in Boys

Fine-motor and social skills slightly improved in boys, but no difference in IQ, researchers say
More evidence that a high fiber diet helps protect against type 2 diabetes has been presented in research published online May 26 in Diabetologia.

More Evidence Supports Higher Fiber Intake to Lower DM Risk

Effect might be largely due to weight loss linked to eating more grains and vegetables, experts say
Newer forms of combined oral contraceptives pills -- brands such as Yaz

Higher Risk of VTE With Newer Forms of Oral Contraceptives

Includes brands such as Yaz, Yasmin, Desogen; risk to any one user remains very low