
OBGYN and Women's Health

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Mortality is increased among patients with eating disorders

Excessive Mortality Observed in Anorexia Nervosa

Patients with anorexia nervosa mainly died from natural causes related to their eating disorder
Many older Americans are unnecessarily screened for breast and prostate cancer

Many Seniors Getting Unneeded Mammography, PSA Screens

Rate of non-recommended screening 15.7 percent in those 65 years and older
Four methods can be used for diagnosing fetal nasal bone hypoplasia in the second trimester in order to predict Down's syndrome

Four Methods Can Diagnose Fetal Nasal Bone Hypoplasia

Similar sensitivity for all methods for identifying fetal NB hypoplasia in second trimester
Depressive symptoms seem to be associated with coronary artery calcium in older men and women

Depressive Symptoms Linked to Coronary Artery Calcium

Negative association with CAC severity in women; nonlinear U-shaped association for men
Opt-out testing could significantly increase the number of patients who agree to be tested for HIV

Opt-Out Testing in the ER May Boost HIV Testing Rates

More people agree to screening when told they'll be checked unless they choose otherwise
Researchers say they're closer to developing a blood test that distinguishes between viral and bacterial respiratory infections. The findings are published in the Jan. 20 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

Blood Test May Help Guide Appropriateness of Antibiotic Rx

Still in development, but doctors' office screening method could curb overprescribing
Women diagnosed with melanoma during or just after pregnancy are at greater risk from the cancer than other women

Pregnancy Ups Metastasis, Recurrence, Death in Melanoma

Five-fold higher mortality for women diagnosed during pregnancy or within a year of giving birth
For a small number of women with a rare form of infertility

Mutations in TUBB8 Linked to Form of Female Infertility

Screening could spare these women unnecessary treatment, researchers say
In 2014

Ob-Gyns Received Considerable Payment From Industry in 2014

Obstetrics and gynecology ranked seventh in total number of payments made to single specialty
U.S. health officials issued guidelines Tuesday for health care providers whose pregnant patients may have traveled to countries -- especially Brazil -- where the mosquito-borne Zika virus has been linked to microcephaly.

CDC Issues Zika-Virus Guidance for Health Care Providers

Ask about recent travel to high-risk areas and symptoms such as sudden fever