
OBGYN and Women's Health

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Taking low-dose aspirin every day may lower the overall risk of cancer by 3 percent

Daily Low-Dose Aspirin May Reduce Risk of Some Cancers

Effect was seen most strongly with colon, gastrointestinal tumors
Laboratory studies have shown that Zika can infect a type of neural stem cell that gives rise to the cerebral cortex of the brain

Scientists Report Insights Into Zika Virus and Microcephaly

The pathogen appears to attack cells crucial to the developing fetal brain
Many women treated for early breast cancer overestimate the odds of distant recurrence

Women Often Overestimate Odds of Early Breast Cancer Spreading

Misperceptions lead to worry that harms quality of life, researcher says
A popular smartphone app that measures blood pressure is inaccurate

AHA: Too Many Errors With Smartphone Blood Pressure App

Measurements were off four out of five times when popular mobile application was tested
Ovarian cancer isn't a single disease

Ovarian CA Encompasses More Than One Kind of Malignancy

Better understanding needed to improve prevention, detection, treatment, U.S. panel notes
In as little as an hour after consuming an alcoholic beverage

AHA: Even One Alcoholic Drink May Temporarily Up CV Risk

But within 24 hours, that same beverage can be generally protective
In 2012 there were 11 million visits to health care providers for obesity

Annual Visit Rate for Obesity Is 49 Visits Per 1,000 Persons

Visits for obesity more likely to include height, weight, BP assessments; blood glucose, lipid testing
A $1 million donation to fight the spread of the Zika virus and an offer to help analyze data to predict the spread of the mosquito-borne disease was announced by Google.

Google Pledges $1 Million to Help Fight Zika Virus

Google's engineers also helping develop a platform to process virus data
The rate of unintended pregnancies in the United States decreased from 2008 to 2011

Decrease in Rate of Unintended Pregnancies From 2008 to 2011

Those below federal poverty level or cohabiting had two to three times the national average
For older women

Induction of Labor Seems Safe for Women of Advanced Maternal Age

No increase in rate of C-section, adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes with induction at 39 weeks