
OBGYN and Women's Health

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Engaging Americans at high risk for cardiovascular disease in aggressive efforts to lower their blood pressure could save more than 100

Tighter Systolic BP Control Could Save 100K U.S. Lives Annually

Findings indicate high-risk adults would benefit from intensive program to lower SBP to 120 or less
Long-term drinking of even moderate amounts of alcohol may enlarge the left atrium and thereby contribute to atrial fibrillation

Daily Alcohol Intake Linked to Enlarged Left Atrium, A-Fib

Long-term drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol may increase risk of stroke
Long naps could raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Long Daytime Naps May Increase Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Shorter naps did not appear to have any effect on diabetes risk
Women who enter menopause early may be at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and premature death

Early-Onset Menopause Tied to Increased CVD Events, Mortality

But no apparent association with stroke risk
More than one-quarter of Americans over 50 don't exercise

CDC: Many U.S. Adults Over 50 Do Not Exercise Regularly

Inactivity boosts risk for falls, broken bones, serious disease, and early death, CDC warns
For patients undergoing hysterectomy for benign indications

Thirty-Day Readmission Rate 2.8 Percent After Hysterectomy

Readmissions more likely when hysterectomy performed abdominally versus vaginally
Physician-assessed drug importance is not associated with patient-reported drug adherence

Importance of Drug As Assessed by Doctor Not Tied to Adherence

About 20 percent of drugs considered important by physicians were not taken correctly by patients
A new set of recommendations has been developed for conduct and reporting of cost-effectiveness analyses

Recommendations Developed for Cost-Effectiveness Analyses

Concept of reference case, set of standard practices that all analyses should follow is recommended
Maternal marijuana use is not independently associated with adverse neonatal outcomes

No Independent Link for Maternal Pot Use, Neonatal Outcomes

No significantly increased risk of adverse outcomes after adjustment for tobacco use, other confounders
Parity is associated with increased fiber length in the more proximal coccygeus and iliococcygeus pelvic floor muscles

Potential Mechanism ID’d for Impact of Parity on Pelvic Floor

Parity tied to increased fiber length in more proximal coccygeus, iliococcygeus pelvic floor muscles