
OBGYN and Women's Health

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Strategies can be employed to help physicians deal with the increasing burden of uncompensated tasks

Strategies Presented for Addressing Uncompensated Time

Strategies include limiting tasks to those that require medical license, streamlining portal messages
A majority of primary care doctors oppose full repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Most PCPs Oppose Complete Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Though many would support changes, only 15 percent want law completely dismantled
Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy may not always be the best option

Study Questions Tx of Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy

Increased risk of pregnancy related adverse outcomes calls for further study
Anxiety and depression may increase the risk of death from certain cancers

Anxiety, Depression May Up Mortality Risk for Some Cancers

Higher death rates seen for colorectal, esophageal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers, leukemia
Younger survivors of thyroid cancer are at increased risk for certain types of health problems later in life

CVD, Osteoporosis Risk Up for Young Thyroid Cancer Survivors

More people are living with other serious health conditions resulting from treatment, researchers say
While cancer mortality rates have dropped 20 percent overall in the United States since 1980

Overall Cancer Mortality Rate Down in the United States

But clusters of high mortality rates remain in some pockets of the country
Millions of Americans with a chronic illness gained health insurance coverage after the Affordable Care Act went into effect in 2010

ACA Has Increased Coverage, Access for Chronically Ill Patients

However, nearly one in seven of those with a chronic disease still lack coverage
Exercise can help cancer patients cope with their treatment

Decreased Physical Activity Common After Cancer Diagnosis

But researchers say physical activity can improve odds of recovery and survival
Breast cancer can take a heavy toll on the partners of patients

Many Partners of Young Breast Cancer Patients Suffer Anxiety

Anxiety is common even several years later, researchers find
About half of early-stage breast cancer patients experience severe side effects from their treatment

Severe Side Effects Common Among Breast Cancer Patients

Forty-five percent of women studied said their side effects were severe or very severe