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Only one in five Americans support a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Poll: Many Americans Concerned About ACA Repeal

But, as has always been the case, support for the law depends on political affiliation
Obesity and sex are differential predictors of acute remission for commonly used antidepressant medications

Obesity, Sex Predict Remission for Antidepressant Medications

Females, but not males, with higher BMI more likely to remit, regardless of medication type
For acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and receiving clopidogrel

Ischemic Outcomes Don’t Vary With Gender in ACS Patients

No difference by gender for ACS patients undergoing PCI receiving clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor
Short daily bouts of walking/bicycling and a few weekly exercise sessions are both associated with a lower rate of hip fracture and any fracture

Even Low Level of Physical Activity May Cut Fracture Risk

Lower rate of fracture for individuals who walk or bicycle less than 20 minutes/day versus hardly ever
For overweight and obese individuals

Cardiometabolic Disease Staging Score Quantifies Diabetes Risk

CMDS can predict the effectiveness of weight-loss therapy for preventing diabetes in overweight/obese
About half of U.S. doctors received payments from the pharmaceutical and medical device industries in 2015

Half of U.S. Doctors Receive Payments From Industry

And, market share for brand-name drugs down at hospitals with sales restrictions
Older patients are at greater risk for hip fractures for two weeks after they start taking prescription sleeping pills

New Rx for Sleeping Pills Can Up Risk of Hip Fracture

New users of sleep aids have fracture rate 2.5 times greater than peers not taking these drugs
While the overall mortality rate among black Americans dropped 25 percent between 1999 and 2015

CDC: Mortality Rate for Black Americans Drops 25 Percent

But CDC report also found they're still more likely to die at an earlier age than whites
Gender differences in depression diagnosis and symptoms start to appear around the age of 12

Gender Differences in Depression Tend to Appear About Age 12

Still unclear why more women than men affected by the disorder, researcher says
Going gluten-free when there's no medical need to do so won't boost cardiovascular health -- and might even harm it

Gluten-Free Diet Not Healthy for Patients Without Celiac Disease

Consuming low levels of dietary gluten may increase risk of coronary heart disease