
OBGYN and Women's Health

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The rate of serious medication errors has doubled since 2000

Rate of Non-Health Care Facility Medication Errors on the Rise

Poison control centers get one call every 21 seconds about a potentially serious mix-up
Expectant mothers who consume more sugary beverages during pregnancy tend to have children with higher amounts of body fat

Sugary Drinks in Mid-Pregnancy Up Odds of Heavier Children

Two or more sweet drinks a day in second trimester linked to an extra 2 pounds in 8-year-olds
Children born extremely preterm have reduced rod and cone function compared with children born at term

Rod, Cone Function Down for Children Born Extremely Preterm

Preterm group had significantly lower amplitudes of combined rod and cone, isolated cone responses
High intake of sugar-laden foods and beverages during pregnancy may contribute to the development of asthma and allergies in offspring

Sugar Intake During Pregnancy Tied to Allergy in Offspring

As maternal sugar intake rose, so did allergies and asthma in children by age 7
An estimated two of three people in the United States have not completed an advanced directive

No Advance Directives for Almost Two-Thirds of U.S. Population

Among 795,909 people in 150 studies, 36.7 percent had completed an advance directive
In a technologically advanced society

AMA: Doctors Should Make Sure Their Online Info Is Accurate

Speakers in educational session urge caution in online behavior
Herpes zoster may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events

Herpes Zoster May Increase Risk of Myocardial Infarction, Stroke

More research is needed, but doctors should warn patients, researcher says
Market competition levels are associated with changes in the price of generic drugs

Market Competition Linked to Change in Generic Drug Prices

Price change of −31.7 percent for quadropoly and 47.4 percent for monopoly
Electronic cigarette smoking has the same deleterious effect on weight and metabolic parameters as traditional cigarettes

Comparable Metabolic Effects for E-Cigarettes, Smoking

Even without nicotine exposure, similar deleterious effects for e-cigarettes, traditional tobacco cigarettes
Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has lifted age restrictions on the use of levonorgestrel emergency contraception

Many U.S. Teens Can’t Access Emergency Contraception

'Mystery shopper' study found pharmacists still refusing sales