
OBGYN and Women's Health

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Basal insulin analogues for type 2 diabetes mellitus do not substantially differ in their glucose-lowering effect

Basal Insulin Analogues Similar for Glucose Lowering

Slight differences in risk for nocturnal hypoglycemia or weight gain exist
Lack of sleep may be a gateway to chronic kidney disease

ASN: Insufficient Sleep Might Increase Risk of Kidney Disease

Five hours or less a night linked to reduced organ function in women
Lithium is linked to an increased risk of heart malformations in infants born to women taking the drug during pregnancy

Lithium’s Risk to Fetus May Be Lower Than Previously Thought

Increased risk of cardiac defects seen, but magnitude of effect smaller than previously postulated
For patients with osteopenia or osteoporosis

Fx Risk Should Be Monitored in Bisphosphonate Drug Holiday

Lower femoral neck bone mineral density and T scores for fracture versus non-fracture group
Affordable Care Act Marketplace premiums increase more in areas with monopolist insurers

Marketplace Premiums Increase More With Monopolist Insurers

Marketplace premiums 50 percent higher in rating areas with monopolist insurer versus >2 insurers
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for major depressive disorder in children aged 12 to 18 years

USPSTF Issues Final Recs on Youth Depression Screening

Screening recommended for those aged 12 to 18; insufficient evidence to assess for children aged ≤11
Nearly 6 percent of the world's health care spending is tied to smoking

Smoking Imposes Heavy Burden on Global Economy

Tobacco-related diseases caused 12 percent of deaths among smokers aged 30 to 69 in 2012
A substantial proportion of non-pregnant women of childbearing age have untreated depression

Depression Seen in One in 20 Childbearing-Aged Women

Yet, antidepressant use is low in those with minor and major depression
The average age of fathers of newborns has risen in recent decades

Paternal Age in the United States Is Rising

Average age of fathers of newborns has risen to 31, researchers say
The latest version of Apple's operating system iOS 8 allows physicians to connect with patients in many ways using the HealthKit app that collects user health and fitness data

Apple HealthKit App Facilitates Doctor-Patient Communication

Collaborations with EHR systems, hospitals, and health plans allows greater access to medical records