

Home Nursing
Deaths from overdoses of illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) have increased significantly in recent years

CDC: Synthetic Fentanyl a Major Factor in Opioid Overdose Deaths

Number of synthetic opioid-involved overdose deaths rose 79 percent in 27 states from 2013 to 2014
State Medicaid expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act is not associated with length of stay or in-hospital mortality among general medicine patients

No Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Hospital LOS, Mortality

Findings in general medicine patients discharged from U.S. academic medical centers
College football players face greatest risk for exertional heat illness during the start of preseason play

Heat Illness Risk Highest in Early Preseason College Football

Coaches, trainers need to be aware of heat illness symptoms, researchers say
Doctors disagree on the best way to answer patient questions about electronic cigarettes

Patients Lacking Straight Answers on Safety of E-Cigarettes

When patients ask about safety and using e-cigarettes to stop smoking, doctors' advice differs
A common genetic variation significantly increases the odds of asthma in children who've had a severe respiratory illness at a young age

Bronchiolitis Plus Gene Variant Raises Asthma Risk in Children

Higher risk seen in those with PAI-1 gene variant and serious respiratory infection at a young age
For patients with tophaceous gout

Plain Radiography Can ID Changes in Gouty Tophi Size

Plain radiography can identify hypouricemic treatment response in patients with tophaceous gout
For patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

In-Hospital Mortality Up With Weekend Admission in NSTEMI

Disparity no longer significant after adjustment for utilization of early invasive strategy
Most clinicians believe that sleep in the intensive care unit is poor and that poor sleep adversely affects patient outcomes

Most Clinicians Report That Sleep Quality in ICU Is Poor

Poor sleep has adverse effect on ICU recovery process and is linked to negative ICU outcomes
For HIV-infected adults

Major Depressive Disorder Ups Acute MI Risk in HIV-Infected

HIV-infected adults with major depressive disorder have ~30 percent increased risk for AMI
The potassium-competitive acid blocker vonoprazan-based triple therapy seems safe and effective compared with conventional proton pump inhibitor-based triple therapy as first-line treatment against Helicobacter pylori

Vonoprazan-Based Triple Tx Feasible for H. pylori

Vonoprazan-based triple therapy safe and effective compared with conventional PPI-based triple tx