

Home Nursing
In patients with stable chronic ischemic heart disease and histories of nonsevere hypersensitivity reactions to acetylsalicylic acid/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Guidance for Coronary Patients With ASA/NSAID Sensitivity

Challenge, desensitization recommended in stable patients with reaction history
Once-daily testosterone solution 2 percent is safe and improves sex drive and energy in men with androgen deficiency

Continued 2 Percent Daily Testosterone Safe, Effective

Also found to improve sex drive and energy in men with androgen deficiency
Low-volume hyaluronic acid filler is effective for correction of age-related midface volume loss

Patient Satisfaction High With Filler for Midface Volumization

Findings for low volumes of hyaluronic acid filler more commonly used in daily clinical practice
Patient and case characteristics differ for non-operating room anesthesia and operating room anesthesia

ASA: Study Describes Non-Operating Room Anesthesia Care

NORA cases less likely in small community hospitals, more common outside normal working hours
Adaptive working memory training (WMT)

Adaptive Working Memory Training Beneficial in HIV

Improves working memory performance, cuts brain activation in HIV participants, seronegative controls
A growing number of American children with headaches are being seen at pediatric emergency departments and admitted to the hospital

AAP: Visits to Pediatric ERs for Headache Pain in Children Rising

Study finds hospital admissions for headache pain also up; reasons are unclear
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Saxagliptin Linked to Improved Albumin/Creatinine Ratios

No effect on estimated glomerular filtration rate
Just one season of competitive football may cause changes in some young players' developing brains

Altered Brain Structure Seen With Just One Season of Youth Football

Not yet clear if changes are lasting or meaningful
Infants should sleep in the same room as their parents -- but not in the same bed -- to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome

AAP: Infants Should Sleep Near Parents, but on Separate Surface

Sleeping nearby -- but not in same bed -- advised for first year, says American Academy of Pediatrics
Patient characteristics and surgeon factors influence surgeons' postoperative weight-bearing orders after hip fracture repair

Surgeon Experience Influences Post-Op Mobilization Orders

Choice of construct, previous experience of construct failure, lack of audit data influence decisions