

Home Nursing
Family socioeconomic status in childhood is associated with the risk for metabolic syndrome and glucose abnormalities in adulthood

Socioeconomic Status in Children Tied to MetS in Adulthood

Each unit increase in family SES in childhood linked to decrease in risk for adult metabolic syndrome
Screening for hypercholesterolemia is feasible at routine child immunization visits in primary care practices

Child-Parent Screening for Hypercholesterolemia Feasible

Screening feasible in primary care at routine child immunization visits for children aged 1 to 2 years
Implementation of quality improvement methods can improve timely administration of short-acting β-agonists for acute asthma in a pediatric emergency department

Quality Improvement Methods Improve Asthma Care

Improved timely administration of short-acting β-agonist with use of standardized asthma score
Patients with diabetes should do three or more minutes of light activity every 30 minutes during prolonged periods of sitting

New ADA Guidelines Call for More Frequent Activity for DM Patients

Light physical activity now recommended every 30 minutes, not every 90 minutes
Treatment for depression and anxiety is nearly twice as common among U.S. cancer survivors as it is for those with no history of cancer

Cancer Survivors Have Higher Rate of Antidepressant Use

Nearly one in five survivors taking medication for depression or anxiety years later
For adults with mild cognitive impairment

Resistance Training Beneficial in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Significant improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity
Oxygen therapy may not help patients in the less severe stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Negligible Benefit for Oxygen in Patients With Mild COPD

Researchers find oxygen therapy does not improve quality of life, forestall hospitalization, lengthen lives
For children and adolescents with migraine

Amitriptyline, Topiramate Don’t Cut Pediatric Migraine vs Placebo

No reduction in headache frequency or headache-related disability compared with placebo
Even young

Even Young Blood Vessels Can Be Damaged by Air Pollution

Utah study suggests elderly and ill aren't the only ones harmed by poor air quality

American Academy of Pediatrics, Oct. 21-25

The American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition The annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics was held from Oct. 21...