

Home Nursing
Preprogrammed doses of medications that can raise the risk of falls are often set too high for older hospital patients

E-Prescribing of High-Risk Drugs May Contribute to Falls in Elderly

Study found 41 percent of medications that can increase drowsiness were set too high for seniors
For pediatric patients transported for an acute seizure

Recommended Tx Adherence Low in Pediatric Acute Seizure

Lack of adherence to recommended care linked to increased risks of intubation and ICU admission
Medical bills for older U.S. cancer patients can cost one-quarter of their income or more if they have Medicare without supplemental insurance

Out-of-Pocket Cancer Costs High for Patients With Medicare Only

Without supplemental insurance, out-of-pocket costs average 25 percent of annual earnings
Patients who've recently undergone surgery -- especially those with cancer or autoimmune diseases -- experience slightly higher risks of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome soon afterward

Link Found Between Surgery and Development of Guillain-Barré

History of autoimmune disease or malignancy may predispose some patients
Older fallers have often been administered high-risk medications

Older Fallers Have Often Been Administered High-Risk Drugs

High-risk medication frequently administered at doses higher than recommended
In a clinical report published online Nov. 28 in Pediatrics

AAP Urges Clinician Counseling of Safe Participation in Martial Arts

Pediatric health care providers should support rule change to eliminate blows to the head
Pediatricians have a role in helping children deal with parental separation or divorce

Pediatricians Can Play a Role in Helping Children of Divorce

Pediatricians should always be the child's advocate and try to maintain relationships with both parents
The benefit of screening mammography may continue with increasing age up until 90

RSNA: No Evidence for Age-Based Mammography Cut-Off

Researchers find benefits for some women up to the age of 90
For men with prostate cancer

ADT Use Not Linked to Dementia in Prostate Cancer

No increased risk of dementia for androgen deprivation therapy use versus nonuse
For individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Liraglutide Doesn’t Affect Gastric Emptying in Type 1 Diabetes

In placebo controlled trial, no between-group differences in change in gastric emptying rate