

Home Nursing
Migraine sufferers may face a slightly higher risk of stroke after an operation

Migraineurs May Face Higher Risk of Stroke After Surgery

The risk is small, but concerning, researchers say
A mathematical model can simulate hemoglobin A1c trajectories in type 2 diabetes mellitus models

Mathematical Model Can Simulate HbA1c Progression in T2DM

Model represents alternative approach to simulate HbA1c trajectories vs. UK Prospective Diabetes Study
Many patients surviving ischemic stroke are not discharged with an oral anticoagulant

Many Ischemic Stroke Survivors Not Prescribed Anticoagulants

Reasons for not prescribing OAC include fall risk, poor prognosis, bleeding history, older age, dementia
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus rates decreased through September 2015 in Veterans Affairs facilities

Decline in MRSA Infection Rates in Veterans Affairs Facilities

Decrease in MRSA HAI rates in acute care, spinal cord injury units, long-term-care facilities
Higher moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at age 6 and 8 years predicts fewer symptoms of major depression two years later

Physical Activity Predicts Depression in Middle Childhood

Higher moderate-to-vigorous physical activity predicts fewer symptoms of major depression
Women who take acid-suppressing medications during pregnancy may have a child at increased risk of developing asthma

Acid Suppression in Pregnancy Linked to Childhood Asthma

Review suggests, but doesn't prove, offspring one-third more likely to see a doctor for asthma
Mammograms frequently detect small breast tumors that might never become life-threatening

Mammography Found to Result in Substantial Overdiagnosis

One in three women diagnosed with breast cancer have nonthreatening tumors
Children with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis may be able to achieve relief without medications by eating a special diet

Novel Diet Can Help Children With Crohn’s, Colitis Find Relief

Eating plan focuses on natural, non-processed foods, such as fruits, veggies, and nuts
Rude parents can rattle medical staff enough to compromise the quality of care their critically ill child receives

Care Can Be Compromised When Parents Offend Pediatric Staff

Doctors, nurses made worse decisions when confronted by 'an angry mother,' study finds
In a recommendation statement published in the Jan. 10 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

USPSTF Reaffirms Endorsement of Prenatal Folic Acid Supplements

Women of childbearing age should take 400 to 800 µg daily, Task Force recommends