

Home Nursing
In a position paper published online March 28 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

ACP Issues Challenge to Cut Task Burden and Put Patients First

American College of Physicians details policy recommendations to reduce administrative burden
The volume of insurance advertisements during the first Affordable Care Act enrollment period correlated with change in uninsurance rates

TV Ads for ACA Enrollment Linked to Decline in Uninsured Rates

Counties exposed to higher volumes of local insurance ads had larger drop in uninsurance
For patients with Parkinson's disease

Regular Exercise Slows Decline Even in Advanced Parkinson’s Dz

Slower declines in health-related quality of life, mobility for increasing exercise by 30 minutes/week
Lowering salt intake could lead to fewer episodes of nocturia

Nocturia May Be Reduced by Cutting Daily Intake of Salt

An easy way for patients to reduce nighttime urination and subsequent impact on sleep
Cardiac rehabilitation and the importance of physical function should be emphasized among older adults with cardiovascular disease

Physical Function Should Be Goal of Care for Elderly CVD Patients

Older adults respond to exercise interventions, which should aim to increase functional capacity
Caregiver participation in Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregivers Health behavioral interventions is not associated with increased Veterans Affairs or Medicare expenditures

REACH II, VA Did Not Increase Spending in Dementia Care

Behavioral interventions program for Alzheimer's patient caregivers did not increase health costs
Adolescents with eating disorders infrequently seek treatment

Treatment Seeking Low Among Teens With Eating Disorders

Those with counter-stereotypic presentation even less likely to seek treatment
Automated office blood pressure monitoring during 30 minutes is associated with a reduction in mean diastolic blood pressure

Office BP Monitoring During 30 Minutes Cuts Overtreatment

OBP30 is associated with lower blood pressure readings than office BP in all patient groups
Spouses bereaved by suicide have elevated risks of mental

Spouses Bereaved by Suicide Have Elevated Health Risks

Elevated risks of developing mental disorders and physical disorders relative to general population
The estimated annual number of perinatal HIV-infected infants born in the United States decreased from 2002 to 2013

Perinatal HIV Infection Down in U.S. From 2002 to 2013

37.5% of mothers had HIV infection diagnosed pre-pregnancy in 2002-2005, vs 51.5% in 2010-2013