

Home Nursing
In 2015

Serious Suffering Affects Almost Half of Those Who Die Yearly

Vast majority who experience serious health-related suffering have no palliative care, pain relief
Knee pain and functional impairments in elderly individuals are associated with the development of depressive symptoms

Knee Pain, Functional Impairment Associated With Depression

In elderly Japanese, difficulty putting on, taking off socks, pain at night linked to depressive symptoms
Engaging in abusive supervisory behavior may be associated with short-term beneficial effects

Short-Lived Benefits for Abusive Supervisory Behavior

Positive indirect effect on work engagement via recovery level, which is short-lived
Midday bright light therapy may be effective for treating bipolar depression

Bright White Light Therapy Promising for Bipolar Depression

Midday bright light sessions associated with higher remission rate than dim red placebo light treatment
Nearly half of older adults report difficulty hearing

Older Adults With Hearing Loss Have Lower Patient Activation

Even those with 'a little trouble' hearing have higher risk for low activation than those with 'no trouble'
Night shift workers have increased odds of obesity/overweight

Night Shift Tied to Increased Odds of Abdominal Obesity

Increased risk for permanent night workers compared with rotating night workers
For women with urinary tract infections

Sulfonamides, Nitrofurantoin Being Given for UTI in Pregnancy

Nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prescribed first trimester despite ACOG recs
A new analysis shows inadequate levels of testing for COVID-19 in 60 percent of states

With Many States Reopening, COVID-19 Testing Levels Still Too Low

Analysis shows that right now just 40 percent of states can meet the lower 2 percent threshold for testing
The annual per capita growth rate in the nursing workforce is expected to decrease to 1.3 percent from 2015 to 2030

Increase in Growth Rate of Nurses Set to Drop to 1.3 Percent

Registered nurse workforce expected to grow 36 percent between 2015 and 2030
In a simulation of children with peanut allergy

Epinephrine Personal Autoinjectors Cost-Effective at $24

Based on 10-fold fatality risk difference, value-based price for personal epinephrine $24