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A new bill with tort reforms to protect Iowa physicians will take effect July 1

New Bill With Tort Reforms Will Protect Iowa Physicians

Reforms include limiting noneconomic damages for intangibles, stronger expert witness standards
The United States has larger income-related differences in perceptions of health and health care than other middle- and high-income countries

U.S. Leads in Income-Based Health Care Inequalities

More public tolerance for health care inequalities seen in United States than other countries
Lithium is linked to an increased risk of heart malformations in infants born to women taking the drug during pregnancy

Lithium’s Risk to Fetus May Be Lower Than Previously Thought

Increased risk of cardiac defects seen, but magnitude of effect smaller than previously postulated
Social jet lag, a mismatch between the body's biological clock and actual sleep pattern due to social activities is associated with adverse health effects

SLEEP: Weekend Sleep Changes Adversely Affect Health Outcomes

For every hour of shifted sleep, an associated 11.1 percent increase in risk of diagnosed heart disease
In a report published online June 5 in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Researchers Target Zolmitriptan Dosing for Pediatric Migraine

Study supports body-weight dosing of 5.0 mg and 2.5 mg for children >50 kg and <50 kg, respectively
Adoption of four healthy lifestyle behaviors is associated with increased lifespan for men and women

Lifespan Up With Adoption of Four Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors

Increased survival times for men, women adopting four healthy behaviors versus none or one behavior
Trigeminal neuralgia can become aggravated in pregnancy

Ablation Successful for Trigeminal Neuralgia in Pregnancy

Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of trigeminal ganglion may be performed after 13 weeks
High-deductible health plans are becoming more common among U.S. adults with employer-sponsored health insurance coverage

CDC: High-Deductible Health Plan Use Rising Among Employers

These employees more likely to face financial barriers to care, researchers find
Patient portals can successfully offer access to physicians without office visits

Health System Sees Success With E-Visits Via Patient Portal

Portal offers access to physicians without an office visit for certain common symptoms
Chronic pain is associated with increased odds of mental decline and dementia

Chronic Pain Tied to Increased Risk of Memory Loss

Findings in patients 60 and older with moderate or severe chronic pain