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Opioid-related hospitalizations among women in the United States increased far faster than among men between 2005 and 2014

Sharp Rise Among Women for Opioid-Related Hospitalizations

U.S. cases rose 75 percent for females versus 55 percent for males over a decade, researchers say
For patients with carotid stenosis

Embolic Protection Device Useful Post Carotid Artery Stenting

Reduced risks for in-hospital stroke or death, major stroke or death, and stroke in carotid stenosis
Although patients aged 65 and older are four times less likely to leave the hospital against medical advice than adults under 65

Age a Factor in Patients Leaving Hospital Against Medical Advice

Race/ethnicity and poverty are more pronounced as risk factors for DAMA in elderly inpatients
Yoga may be as effective as physical therapy for pain relief and improved function in patients with chronic low back pain

Yoga Noninferior to Physical Therapy in Chronic Low Back Pain

Nearly half of yoga group saw clinically meaningful improvement in pain and disability
For patients with atrial fibrillation

VKA Monotherapy Linked to Reduced MI, Stroke Risk in A-Fib

Vitamin K antagonist + acetylsalicylic acid dual therapy associated with increased bleeding risk
People over age 65 shouldn't avoid surgery for a herniated disc just because of their age

Older Age Needn’t Be a Barrier to Herniated Disc Surgery

Seniors experience good outcomes after lumbar microdiscectomy, researchers report
Serious bacterial infections have been documented during treatment for chronic Lyme disease

Chronic Lyme Disease Treatments Tied to Serious Adverse Effects

Medications in this context not shown to result in substantial long-term improvement, researchers say
Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats can reduce cardiovascular disease risk as much as statins

Replacing Saturated Fats With Healthy Fats Lowers CVD Risk

Healthy fats can help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease as effectively as statins, researchers say
Two unconventional therapies -- horseback riding and music-and-rhythm therapy -- can help stroke survivors regain lost mobility and balance years later

Horseback Riding May Improve Function in Late-Phase Stroke

Music-and-rhythm therapy also shown to help improve balance and memory
Health insurers are recruiting former pharmaceutical company representatives to educate doctors and help save money on prescription medications

Health Insurers Recruiting Former Pharma Reps to Cut Costs

Former pharma reps are educating doctors about costs of meds, encouraging use of generics