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The number of adults reporting the use of strategies

Many Patients Still Employ Strategies to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs

33.6 percent of patients reported not taking medication as prescribed to reduce costs
Prenatal exposure to ambient pesticides within 2

Prenatal Pesticide Exposure Linked to Increased Risk for Autism

Increased risk seen for autism spectrum disorder and disorder with comorbid intellectual disability
A higher number of vascular risk factors is associated with poorer brain health across gray and white matter macrostructure and microstructure

More Vascular Risk Factors Tied to Worse Brain Health

Most consistent associations across brain measures seen with smoking pack years, hypertension, DM
Older genetically predicted age at puberty is associated with reduced odds of multiple sclerosis

Older Age at Puberty Linked to Lower Odds of Multiple Sclerosis

After adjustment for effects on adult BMI, correlation between age at puberty with MS was attenuated
For adolescents and young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

In Youth With ADHD, New-Onset Psychosis Up With Amphetamines

New-onset psychosis occurred in about one in 660 teens, young adults with ADHD receiving stimulants
Higher Mediterranean diet and A Priori Diet Quality Score scores are associated with better cognitive performance in midlife

Certain Dietary Patterns Linked to Cognitive Performance

Greater adherence to MedDiet, APDQS patterns in adulthood tied to better cognitive performance
Patients with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk for developing obstructive sleep apnea

Patients With Diabetes at Increased Risk for Sleep Apnea

In addition to known predictors of apnea, diabetes-related foot disease, insulin treatment up risk

Overall, Physicians Are Happy and Enjoy Their Lives

Relationships found to be key to happiness; having friends at work impacts physician happiness
Antiepileptic drug use is not significantly associated with dementia risk in patients in Germany

Antiepileptic Drugs Not Tied to Dementia Risk

No increased overall risk found, but levetiracetam generic brands tied to higher dementia risk
Lower neighborhood-level socioeconomic status is associated with a higher risk for disability progression in patients with multiple sclerosis

Neighborhood-Level Socioeconomics Tied to MS Disability Progression

Lower socioeconomic status associated with higher risk for multiple sclerosis disability progression