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For physician mothers in procedural specialties

Domestic Responsibilities Tied to Physician Mothers’ Satisfaction

Being responsible for at least five tasks linked to desire to change career for moms in procedural specialties
Mindfulness yoga is a safe and effective treatment option for patients with mild-to-moderate Parkinson disease to help them manage stress and symptoms

Mindfulness Yoga Aids Patients With Parkinson Disease

Effects similar to those of stretching and resistance training for motor dysfunction, mobility
A myoelectric computer interface training paradigm that provides intuitive feedback about muscle activation patterns is well tolerated and can reduce abnormal coactivation among stroke survivors

Myoelectric Computer Interface Beneficial for Stroke Survivors

MyoCI well tolerated, can reduce abnormal coactivation in stroke survivors with arm impairment
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 4 years increased from 2010 to 2014

CDC: Prevalence of Autism at Age 4 Years Increasing

Frequency of co-occurring intellectual disabilities higher among children aged 4 years than 8 years
The absence of haptoglobin may be a marker of poor neonatal outcomes among preterm newborns exposed to in utero inflammation

Haptoglobin Expression Tied to Outcomes in Preterm Newborns

Worse outcomes in preemies lacking haptoglobin who were exposed to inflammation in utero
Use of the orally administered β-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1 inhibitors

Verubecestat, Atabecestat Not Beneficial for Preventing Alzheimer Disease

Two trials show lack of effectiveness versus placebo for preclinical Alzheimer disease
Consumer devices that claim to help assess

FDA Warns of Consumer Devices That Claim to Diagnose Concussion

Tools include smartphone apps marketed to coaches or parents for use during sporting events
The latest edition of the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria has been released and includes 188 diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology topics

New, Revised Topics Released in ACR Appropriateness Criteria

New topics relate to clinically suspected vascular malformation of extremities, gestational trophoblastic disease
Proximity to major roadways and prenatal/early life exposure to particulate matter <2.5 µm and ozone are associated with childhood developmental delays

Proximity to Major Roadways Impacts Child Development

Increased risk for child developmental delays also seen with prenatal exposure to PM2.5, ozone
Cortical lesion development surpasses white matter lesion accrual in multiple sclerosis

Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Tracked With 7.0-T MRI

Development of cortical lesions surpassed that of white matter lesions, linked to neurologic disability