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Music Can Help Doctors Develop Relationships With Patients

Cardiologist describes how showing her vulnerability through music has made her a better doctor
Opdivo (nivolumab) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat advanced renal cell carcinoma.

FDA Approves Opdivo for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma

Drug works by targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 cellular pathway
Diabetes mellitus is associated with worse prognosis in terms of progression-free

Diabetes Predicts Worse Survival in Renal Cell Carcinoma

For patients with diabetes, poor glycemic control linked to higher risk of postoperative progression
Electronic portfolios are being used to transform medical students' assessments and track progress as students advance through medical training

E-Portfolio Developed to Assess Millennial Med Students

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine has developed complex system to chart performance
A small but promised Medicare pay increase has effectively been reduced to zero for all physician specialties

AAFP: Expected 0.5 Percent Pay Increase Reduced to Zero

Medicare physician fee schedule shows expected Medicare pay increase reduced for all specialties
Occupational burnout appears to reduce clinical faculty members' readiness to change teaching approaches

Burnout Reduces Readiness to Change Teaching Approaches

Clinical faculty with low occupational burnout more likely to be in action stage of change
The risk of anaphylaxis associated with first exposure to intravenous iron is highest for iron dextran and lowest for iron sucrose

Risk of Anaphylaxis Among IV Iron Products Compared

Risk of anaphylaxis associated with IV iron highest for iron dextran, lowest for iron sucrose
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Urinary Potassium Excretion Tied to Renal, Cardio Risk in T2DM

Higher urinary potassium excretion, not sodium excretion, tied to lower risk of primary end point
Kidney failure and having a kidney transplant may increase the risk for certain types of cancer

Impaired Kidney Function May Raise Cancer Risk

Dialysis, organ transplant may increase odds for certain types of cancer
Direct patient contracting practices

ACP Issues Guidance on ‘Concierge’ Practices

Growth of DPCPs fueled by physicians' frustration; may exacerbate disparities in health care