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A multi-layered microfluidic device has been developed

Multi-Layered Microfluidic Device Developed as Model Kidney

Device has porous growth substrate, physiological fluid flow, passive filtration of glomerulus
Health care spending is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.6 percent from 2016 to 2025

Health Care Spending Expected to Grow 5.6% Annually to 2025

National health expenditures expected to represent 19.9 percent of gross domestic product by 2025
Quality improvement interventions can increase discussions relating to advanced care planning and the mention of advance directives in the electronic medical record

Interventions Up Discussion of Advanced Care Planning

Series of quality improvement interventions increases capture of advanced care directives in EMR
Cardiovascular disease is increasing in the United States

AHA: CVD Expected to Cost U.S. $1.1 Trillion Per Year by 2035

American Heart Association estimates CVD-related disease in nearly half of Americans in <20 years
Albuminuria is associated with cognitive impairment

Review Links Albuminuria to Cognitive Impairment, Dementia

Worse global cognitive performance and accelerated cognitive decline for subjects with albuminuria
Renal transplant recipients are often admitted with acute myocardial infarction

Renal Transplant Recipients Often Admitted With Acute MI

Acute STEMI accounted for 29.3% of RTR admissions; no recent change in STEMI in-hospital mortality
For patients with impaired glucose tolerance

Valsartan Cuts Microalbuminuria in Impaired Glucose Tolerance

No difference in ESRD or doubling of serum creatinine with valsartan versus placebo
For patients with chronic kidney disease

Patient Satisfaction High With Nurse-Led Chronic Kidney Dz Care

Suggested improvements relate to car-parking, more practical support, accessible locations
Significant differences are seen for immunochemical

Significant Differences for Methods of Measuring Albumin

Biases for plasma samples generally higher than for serum samples for all measurement methods
Mortality rates are lower for older Americans treated by doctors trained in other countries than by those who went to a U.S. medical school

Mortality Down for U.S. Patients Treated by International Doctors

Compared to mortality rates for Medicare patients treated by U.S.-trained doctors