
Internal Medicine

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All patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapies should undergo routine screening for active or prior hepatitis B viral infection

Hepatitis B Screening Endorsed Pre-Immunosuppressive Tx

Antiviral tx recommended to prevent reactivation for those found to be hepatitis B surface antigen-positive
Creatine monohydrate doesn't appear to slow the progression of Parkinson's disease

Findings Do Not Support Creatine for Parkinson’s Rx

Research in mice had suggested oral creatine supplementation might help
Even as the need for heart transplants increases

More Donor Hearts Discarded Even As Need Grows

Uniform guidelines needed that specify which hearts are acceptable for transplantation, experts say
Adults who had low vitamin D levels as children and teens may be more likely to have atherosclerosis

Low Childhood Vitamin D Levels May Up Adult CVD Risk

Chances of atherosclerosis were higher in those who did not get enough of the vitamin when young
Medication combined with a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program can decrease disability and improve mental health in low back pain patients over several years

Multidisciplinary Approach Successful in Chronic Back Pain

Continuation of multidisciplinary program improves disability, mental health over 30 months
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

ACC/AHA Risk Score No Better for Identifying Elevated CAC in RA

Ten-year risk score no better than Framingham Risk Score, Reynolds Risk Score
Use of the American College of Radiology Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System classification system for low-dose computed tomography can reduce the false-positive result rate but also decreases sensitivity

Lung-RADS Criteria Can Reduce False-Positive Result Rate

Reduction in false-positive result rate, but reduction in sensitivity also observed
The American Board of Internal Medicine has changed or suspended several of the recent revisions made to its Maintenance of Certification program

ABIM Implements Changes to MOC Program

Satisfaction from American Medical Association and other medical organizations
In younger people with acute myocardial infarction

Mental Stress Adversely Affects MI Recovery in Younger Women

One month after acute myocardial infarction, women were more likely to have a poorer recovery
Smoking may hamper the effects of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors used to treat axial spondyloarthritis

Smoking Impairs Rx Response in Axial Spondyloarthritis

Swiss study authors say inflammation or a lack of oxygen among possible reasons